ucsb-cs156-s24 / proj-courses-s24-4pm-2

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Julia Refactored Table UI with different colors #46

Closed jchanDev closed 4 months ago

jchanDev commented 4 months ago

Changed files SectionsInstructorTableBase, SectionsOverTimeTableBase, SectionsTableBase and index.css to change color theme.

Before, the color scheme made it hard to see when hovering and wasn't that asthetic: image

Also changed button color: unclicked: image clicked: image

For main search: Now it looks like this with alternating color for more distinction: image And if hovering over it, it turns grey: image

Can still tell which ones are sections and which are not from the bolded names: image

For search by instructor: Color scheme was changed and now lectures are blue while sections are white image

For search by location: color scheme also fixed to be alternating image

For course history: changed color scheme here too image

Dokku: https://proj-jchandev-dev.dokku-02.cs.ucsb.edu