ucsb-cs156-s24 / proj-gauchoride-s24-5pm-6

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Lindsey - Driver Availability Backend + Corresponding Frontend Changes #54

Closed lindseywn closed 3 months ago

lindseywn commented 3 months ago

https://project-lindseywn.dokku-14.cs.ucsb.edu/ (when testing, make sure your driver role is toggled to true!) Closes #32

  1. DONE: Modified DriverAvailabilityController.java POST so that when creating a new DriverAvailability we automatically use the creator's id and no longer take in id as an input.
  2. DONE: Modify DriverAvailabilityController.java PUT so that when editing DriverAvailability we make sure that the DriverAvailability we intend to edit is really owned by the current user, and we no longer want to set the driver id to the incoming.
  3. NOT DONE: Add the proper validations to GET single and DELETE so that a user can only delete or get their own availabilities and not anyone else

No option to type in driver id

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Driver id shows up even though user didn't type it in User can also only see their own unless they go through admin tab

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