ucsb-cs156-s24 / proj-organic-s24-5pm-2

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Richard - Added Staff Form, Staff Form test, and Staff Form story #10

Closed richardfang888 closed 4 months ago

richardfang888 commented 5 months ago

In this PR, we add a React component for a data entry form for the course staff, complete with a story and test file. As a user, I can now go onto the issue of making the Staff page accessible from the Courses data table and have the form be visible there.

Closes #9

richardfang888 commented 4 months ago

Please review the comments on the team slack channel here: https://ucsb-cs156-s24.slack.com/archives/C06SC553MLY/p1716870268080979

And see if this needs any reworking.

Adding staff should always be done in the context of a course.

Someone is a TA or an LA for a specific course. They are not an LA or TA "in general".

So the form for adding a staff member needs to have the information about the course right on the page, so that we know which course we are adding a TA or LA to.

I would suggest that the URL should contain the id of the course and the information about that course should be displayed at the top of the page.

I would suggest, actually not even HAVING a separate page for adding staff. Instead, it should go on the course show page. And there is no need for edit. Only add and delete.

I think I have addressed these changes in my most recent commit by making courseId implicit in the form and displayed alongside the id. I have adjusted the tests for the form as well.