ucsb-cs156-w24 / proj-gauchoride-w24-7pm-2

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Made chats more readable. #6

Closed Mintype closed 6 months ago

Mintype commented 6 months ago

I did this for issue "FEATURE: Make chats more readable #4"

Link: https://github.com/ucsb-cs156-w24/proj-gauchoride-w24-7pm-2/issues/4

andrewpengucsb commented 6 months ago

Would be good to have before/after images

andrewpengucsb commented 6 months ago

Apparently you aren't on this team, nor in the class? If you want to make a contribution to the project, you can make a PR for the project in the ucsb-cs156 org but if you are not a part of the class its unlikely any contribution will be accepted.