ucsb-cs56-projects / cs56-discretemath-towers-sierpinski

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Modify the color picker to actually change the color scheme of the SVG output #30

Closed jstaahl closed 10 years ago

jstaahl commented 10 years ago

Right now the color picker program, run with

ant EX_DEF


ant EX_GUI

does not change the color scheme of the outputted SVG image.

You will notice that there is a file named colors.properties in the root directory of the project. If the hex color code values there are modified before the program is run with

ant run

then you will notice a change in the color scheme of the outputted SVG image.

Modify the color picker program to save to this colors.properties file and change the color scheme of the outputted SVG image.

~estimated 100

kjorg50 commented 10 years ago

fixed by #33