ucsb-cs56-projects / cs56-music-basic-synthesis-demo

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Make Note and Melody classes #4

Closed pconrad closed 11 years ago

pconrad commented 11 years ago

Add a Note class with frequency, duration, and volume. This note class is independent of what waveform (instrument) is used to play the note---its just an abstract "note".

A note with frequency 0 can be considered a "rest".

Implement constructors, getters and setters, toString and equals. (Let frequency 0 indicate a rest, let duration be in "beats", where 1 is one beat, 1/2.0 is a half beat 1/4.0 is a quarter beat,etc.). Volume is a double between 0 and 1 (1 is max.) Throw IllegalArgumentExceptions for negative frequencies, negative beats, 0 length or negative length durations, and volume outside range of 0 to 1 inclusive.

Add NoteTest.java with JUnit tests including testing for exceptions for illegal argument values.

Then define a Melody class that extends ArrayList.

Then implement a "play" method that uses the ADSREnvelopedContinuousSound class to play the melody--modelled after the main method of ADSREnvelopedContinuousSound. Make it a method that could be called from a main. The parameters should be an envelope and a Melody. Scale the envelope levels for each note by the volume level of that note.

Create a main that takes a simple hard-coded melody (hard coded as initializations into an ArrayList) and plays it as a demo. The envelope could be hard coded too, or better yet, taken from command line parameters. (There could be a default if no parameters are entered.) This is a first step towards a later issue where the melody is read into the ArrayList from a file, or created via a a GUI and stored in a binary file with Serialization, XML, or JSON.

~estimated 360

pconrad commented 11 years ago

@bronhuston You get first crack at this one if you want it. If you don't, comment that you don't, and I'll open it up to whomever else claims it.

bronhuston commented 11 years ago

~claimed @bronhuston ~moderator @leifdreizler