Adding an interface for search filters would require adding additional HTML to the webpage. When a search is performed, the interface will be checked to see what filters should be applied.
[x] Given that the user is on the filtered search page, when the user wants to search by a specific website, then there is an input field where the user can type in websites
[x] Given that the user is on the filtered search page, when the user wants to restrict their search to results from within the past day/week/month/year, then there is a dropdown menu where the user can select one of the given timeframes
[x] Given that the user is on the filtered search page, when the user wants to sort the results by highest upvotes, then there is a checkbox where the user can enable this option
Adding an interface for search filters would require adding additional HTML to the webpage. When a search is performed, the interface will be checked to see what filters should be applied.