ucsb-cs56-w20 / mapache-search

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Create a LinkController that has a route /link that has a param url that, when you go to it, redirects to that url. (This the hook that you'll use in subsequent stories to build the database tables that store link clicks.) #155

Closed darraghjburke closed 4 years ago

darraghjburke commented 4 years ago

As a developer, I can have user's clicks link to an intermediate url and then redirect to the actual url so that information about the user's search is able to be collected.

briankangcoder commented 4 years ago

Within the link controller, the counter for link clicks should be increased. Additionally, to implement this feature, we would need a new html file for the page the user is redirected to in the mapache-search/src/main/resources/templates/ directory. In that html file a button would need to be created that would redirect to the actual webpage.

pconrad commented 4 years ago

PR: https://github.com/ucsb-cs56-w20/mapache-search/pull/190

pconrad commented 4 years ago

Fixed in PR #190