ucsb-cs56-w20 / ucsb-courses-search

Spring Boot App to show similar information to that found at UCSB Curriculum Search page
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Team 7pm e add search by classroom feature and tests #287

Closed AndrewJGaut closed 4 years ago

AndrewJGaut commented 4 years ago

We implemented a new feature, SearchByClassroom.

This allows the user to input a quareter, building name, and classroom number and returns all classes and/or sections in that room during that quarter.

To do this, we created a new model object (SearchByClassroom), a new controller (SearchByClassroomController), and new html view files. In addition, we updated the bootstrap_nav_header so that it now has a dropdown, with the first link being SearchByClassroom and the second link being CS Dept Search (which is an old feature which we are now making a sub-feature of the SearchByClassroom feature).

We also added tests for the feature. These are in the src/test/java/edu/ucsb/cs56/ucsb_courses_search/controller/SearchByClassroomControllerTest.java file. They make sure that the searching works and turns up real results.

AndrewJGaut commented 4 years ago

It seems to be failing the CI tests; however, it runs fine locally. Is it possible that the CI environment ins't yet configured for MongoDB queries (i.e., the localhost file or whatever it's using doesn't have the mongoDB stuff in it)?

AndrewJGaut commented 4 years ago

I believe this is passing tests now.

ryan8xia commented 4 years ago

In this PR, search by classroom feature is added along with associated tests.