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authenticate grails server with GitHub - so users only see what they are doing and only allow some to do upload #39

Closed nathandunn closed 3 years ago

nathandunn commented 3 years ago

Follow: https://guides.grails.org/grails-oauth-google/guide/index.html (and) https://github.com/nathandunn/grails-oauth-google


This uses google for Outh2 as below here. This is actually using the REST plugin:




Authorize REST version for login:


good example of how to do the providers with Spring Boot:


nathandunn commented 3 years ago


This is a provider.


nathandunn commented 3 years ago

nathandunn commented 3 years ago

I was getting it "work" here: https://github.com/nathandunn/grails4-multiple-oauth-example/settings

However, it was using a legacy API.

Using this guide instead:



nathandunn commented 3 years ago

Note for https://github.com/nathandunn/grails4-multiple-oauth-example this almost works.

We need to be able to specify that some users are "ADMIN" and some are not, regardless of their role. I think what happens, is that all users end up being secured in the same way and we use a separate permission service to check particular users.

nathandunn commented 3 years ago

This needs to be replicated using a REST-full controller with React

nathandunn commented 3 years ago

Potentially I need to add the OauthID to the Person object and provide grails.plugin.springsecurity.oauth2.domainClass = 'com.insilico.dmc.OAuthID'

However, its unclear.

nathandunn commented 3 years ago

curl api call:

curl -v -H 'Accept: application/json' -H "Cookie: jwt=" http://localhost:8080/api/

nathandunn commented 3 years ago



nathandunn commented 3 years ago

Almost working but react-google-login uses a different token strategy when decoding (i.e., not MAC512, but RS 256) so completely different, though maybe can be transcoded?

Going to use the googleapis oauth2 client instead to get a potentially more consistent token . . .

nathandunn commented 3 years ago
  "alg": "RS256",
  "kid": "fed80fec56db99233d4b4f60fbafdbaeb9186c73",
  "typ": "JWT"


  "alg": "HS256"

Also note, this is how you add extractors to pull out users with Spring Boot (less sure about Grails, but may not be necessary):



nathandunn commented 3 years ago

Even if we can do other than we can only verify with HS256. Noted here: https://github.com/grails-plugins/grails-spring-security-rest/issues/490

nathandunn commented 3 years ago

So grails does not support this explicitly. Not sure fix version. Options:

1. authenticate against API directly using a redirect and refresh back with a returned JWT key

  1. use auth0 which allows Auth0 and provides a plugin with Grails that does this already
  2. provide an API token if authenticated . . . still hard for an open-source tool to use
  3. make all uploads ephemeral for non-logged in users and limit users? or just limit security

Will try 1, shoot for 2, and then do 4.

nathandunn commented 3 years ago

Finally will need to map to a domain class at some point as well.

For 1 it is problematic as it comes back as an httponly cookie, which I think is a good thing, but then not rebroadcast as part of the axis request.

nathandunn commented 3 years ago

Because the domain is not (and will not be shared likely), we can't share the httpOnly cookie (even if just different ports).

Definitely possible to put them on the same domain, but a different path. however, not sure if that would work either. As HS256 is less than preferred, especially for open-source, may look to another model.

nathandunn commented 3 years ago

for 1. Note the current state is here: http://github.com/nathandunn/grails4-multiple-oauth-example and https://github.com/nathandunn/test-oauth2-client

Auth0 grails integration example guides here: https://github.com/auth0/auth0-spring-security-api https://github.com/auth0-samples/auth0-spring-security-api-sample

nathandunn commented 3 years ago

Oh, this is the sample we want:


or this one:


nathandunn commented 3 years ago

Probably the easiest thing to do would be to login the front and then use https://github.com/jwtk/jjwt#jws-key-rsa to verify the key: https://github.com/jwtk/jjwt#verification-key

nathandunn commented 3 years ago