Closed AmandaBirmingham closed 6 years ago
@adswafford Please send template text for what you want the readme to say, with indications of which values to fill into the template dynamically.
@adswafford : this item is done except for inserting the text you provide. Please send as soon as you can so we can close this.
@stephanieorch can you provide Amanda with the text here?
Let me know if this is what you were both thinking:
On the "Metadata" sheet, you will find the customized fields that you inputted on the Metadata Wizard website as well as the required fields. Once you enter a sample name, the other cells will be filled automatically with null values if the field was given a default value. Fill out the rest of the fields for each given sample. If you are unsure of what to input, select a cell under the field and you will be given information of what to enter. If your input is incorrect, you will be alerted and your input will be deleted. If you copy and past into the "Metadata" sheet, you will no longer receive this error. However, you will always be able to see your incorrect cells on the "Validation" sheet.
On the "Validation" sheet, you will see which cells need to be altered with a red "Fix" cell. By selecting "Fix" in a cell, you will be brought to that incorrect cell within the "Metadata" sheet as to change it. Once there are no red "Fix" cells, your metadata will be considered valid for uploading to Qiita.
On the "Data Dictionary" sheet, you can see the definitions of each field within your "Metadata" sheet. This page is read only and therefore you are unable to change any of the definitions after creating your sheet on the Metadata Wizard website.
It was a good start. I've spruced it up a bit:
How to use this workbook:
1) Start on the 'Metadata' tab:a) Entering your sample names, either one by one or via copy-paste. Note: Sample names may only contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z,a-z,0-9) and the period character (.)b) As you enter each sample name, fields (columns) with only one permitted value will automatically be completed based on the information you supplied in the web formc) Fill in the remaining information for each metadata field (column); if you have provided categorical variables, and/or permitted null values, cells will contain a dropdown list with the acceptable values to help with correct entry. i) If your input is incorrect, you will be alerted and your input will be deleted so you can try again ii) You may copy-paste information from another excel file or document to complete the fields, but if you do the dropdown lists and built-in error-correction support functions will be removed d) for fields auto-populated by the online wizard, you can access the field definitions on the Data Dictionary tab 2) Once you have completed entering your samples, go to the 'Validation' tab which will display any errors detected based on the rules provided in the web form. a) You will see which cells need to be altered with a red "Fix" cell. b) By selecting "Fix" in a cell, you will be brought to that incorrect cell within the "Metadata" sheet as to change it. c) Once there are no red "Fix" cells, your metadata will be considered valid for uploading to Qiita. i) Note: Qiita only accepts .tsv or .txt files, so if you only have a single metadata file (single sample type), you should save the workbook and then use "Save As..." to save the first sheet as a plain tab-separated value file. ii) If you have more than one metadata file (multiple sample types), then use the online wizard to merge your files together before uploading. All metadata fields not present for a sample will be described as 'not applicable' for those samples.
Troubleshooting: I can't find the metadata field(s) I want. Return to the Metadata Wizard online form, and click on 'PACKAGE FIELDS'. Then click the button Select File to upload your template. Collapse the 'PACKAGE FIELDS' section and click on the 'CUSTOM FIELDS' section. Enter the custom field(s) you'd like to add in the text box and click 'Add Field'. Complete the form to describe your new field(s). Submit the form and download the new template.
I can't find the categorical value I want/I want to add more options to my metadata field. Return to the Metadata Wizard online form, and click on 'PACKAGE FIELDS'. Then click the button Select File to upload your template. Collapse the 'PACKAGE FIELDS' section and click on the 'CUSTOM FIELDS' section. Select the field where you'd like to enter the value and ensure the Categorical Field Type is selected. Modify the parameters to add a new category or null value to your field as appropriate. Submit the form and download the new template.
I can't enter the numeric value I want. Return to the Metadata Wizard online form, and click on 'PACKAGE FIELDS'. Then click the button Select File to upload your template. Collapse the 'PACKAGE FIELDS' section and click on the 'CUSTOM FIELDS' section. Select the field where you'd like to enter the value and ensure the Continuous Field Type is selected. Modify the parameters to add a new category or null value to your field as appropriate. Submit the form and download the new template.
I have protected health information that I do not want to display. Return to the Metadata Wizard online form, and click on 'PACKAGE FIELDS'. Then click the button Select File to upload your template. Collapse the 'PACKAGE FIELDS' section and click on the 'CUSTOM FIELDS' section. Select the field where you'd like to enter the value and ensure the EBI Null Value 'missing: restricted access' is selected. In the 'Default' section, select the option 'Allowed Missing Default' and ensure 'missing: restricted access' is selected. Submit the form and download the new template.
Implemented and pushed to server.
Add an additional sheet to the returned workbook showing the date on which and software version with which the workbook was created, and containing instructions on how to recreate it.