ucsd-cse125-sp24 / group5

A character-based ability shooter 2v2 heavily inspired by Four Seasons
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Animations + bear character model #19

Closed benjxia closed 1 month ago

benjxia commented 2 months ago

Player now animated when moving around map. Also (slightly) reduced aliasing on outline shader by changing screen shader's sobel operator to roberts-cross operator

Alanine42 commented 2 months ago

This assertion in animationPose() always failed when the client started up. assert(animationId >= -1 && animationId < animations.size() && animated);

I printed the animationId, animations.size(), animated and they all look correct. They should not trigger assert false, but they somehow did...


IDK what's going on, but after removing the asserts the client runs well looks fabulous!

realmatthewpeng commented 2 months ago

I'm getting assert errors as well, in both animationPose and timeToAnimationTick, but my values also look right. Everything looks correct when I comment them out though.

Alanine42 commented 1 month ago

my bad, just finetuning some player and egg sizes

benjxia commented 1 month ago

i dont want to squash this pr, alan has overtaken me in total # of commits cus I've been squashing all my pr's since week 3

Alanine42 commented 1 month ago

shit i never squash my pr 😂...