ucsd-cse125-sp24 / group5

A character-based ability shooter 2v2 heavily inspired by Four Seasons
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Shadows #24

Closed benjxia closed 1 month ago

benjxia commented 1 month ago

Added shadows. Also did a decent amount of refactoring shaders and such

Alanine42 commented 1 month ago

i'll move my shader classes to the bottom

Alanine42 commented 1 month ago

ok done merging my line shader stuffs. built and tested.

need another approval -_- @realmatthewpeng @AnnLe4869

Alanine42 commented 1 month ago

The bullet trail seems to disappear when client 0 spawns and shoots at the warren bear. Is it because some optimization or the ordering of rendering pipeline?

benjxia commented 1 month ago

are bullets always supposed to aim towards the origin?

Alanine42 commented 1 month ago

are bullets always supposed to aim towards the origin?


AnnLe4869 commented 1 month ago

are bullets always supposed to aim towards the origin?


just notice this. The bullet trajectory is blur the closer you shoot toward the bear

Alanine42 commented 1 month ago

are bullets always supposed to aim towards the origin?


just notice this. The bullet trajectory is blur the closer you shoot toward the bear

yea I switched to rendering a rectangular prism so it shouldn't blur in any direction now (slightly more vertices) (try it out)