The composition from Control.Category makes Liquid Haskell crash. Here's an example
import qualified Control.Category
-- (Control.Category..) :: Category cat => (cat b c) -> (cat a b) -> cat a c
g :: a -> a
g = id Control.Category.. id
main :: IO ()
main = return ()
Verifying this file yields
$ liquidhaskell_boot_datadir=$PWD/liquidhaskell-boot cabal exec -- liquidhaskell test.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( test.hs, test.o )
**** DONE: Extracted Core using GHC *******************************************
**** DONE: Transformed Core ***************************************************
test.hs:4:1: error:
• Uh oh.
addC: malformed constraint:
t = lq_tmp$x##225:{VV : a | $k_##227[VV##226:=VV]} -> {VV : a | $k_##229[VV##228:=VV]}
te = ('GHC.Types.BoxedRep 'GHC.Types.Lifted) -> {lq_tmp$x##295 : a | $k_##294[VV##293:=lq_tmp$x##295][lq_tmp$x##8:=lq_anf$##7205759403792800940##d1Uo][lq_tmp$x##9:=lq_anf$##7205759403792800941##d1Up]} {lq_tmp$x##292 : a | $k_##291[VV##290:=lq_tmp$x##292][lq_tmp$x##8:=lq_anf$##7205759403792800940##d1Uo][lq_tmp$x##9:=lq_anf$##7205759403792800941##d1Up]}Control.Category..
lq_anf$##7205759403792800941('GHC.Types.BoxedRep 'GHC.Types.Lifted) -> {lq_tmp$x##295 : a | $k_##294[VV##293:=lq_tmp$x##295][lq_tmp$x##8:=lq_anf$##7205759403792800940##d1Uo][lq_tmp$x##9:=lq_anf$##7205759403792800941##d1Up]} {lq_tmp$x##292 : a | $k_##291[VV##290:=lq_tmp$x##292][lq_tmp$x##8:=lq_anf$##7205759403792800940##d1Uo][lq_tmp$x##9:=lq_anf$##7205759403792800941##d1Up]}
lq_tmp$x##225:{VV : a | $k_##227[VV##226:=VV]} -> {VV : a | $k_##229[VV##228:=VV]}
4 | g = id Control.Category.. id
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
The composition from Control.Category makes Liquid Haskell crash. Here's an example
Verifying this file yields