ucsd-progsys / liquidhaskell

Liquid Types For Haskell
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Sort mismatch error with liquidhaskell- #2428

Closed octalsrc closed 2 weeks ago

octalsrc commented 2 weeks ago

Hello, I'm trying to get a simple example running using liquidhaskell- with GHC 9.10.1, and I'm running into an error.

The Example

My example file (src/MyLib.hs) is as follows:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fplugin=LiquidHaskell #-}

module MyLib where

{-@ type TRUE = {v:Bool | v} @-}

{-@ example1 :: TRUE @-}
example1 :: Bool
example1 = True

The .cabal file is:

cabal-version: 1.12

name:           liquid-haskell-test
build-type:     Simple

      liquidhaskell ==,
      base ==
  default-language: Haskell2010

The Error

Compiling with cabal build produces the following error:

**** LIQUID: ERROR *************************************************************
<no location info>: error:
    :1:1-1:1: Error
  crash: SMTLIB2 respSat = Error "line 3 column 11916: Sort mismatch at argument #1 for function (declare-fun not
(Bool) Bool) supplied sort is Int"

It looks like the compilation/checking process produced the following SMT file (src/.liquid/MyLib.hs.smt2), where the error is present:

(set-option :auto-config false)
(set-option :model true)

(set-option :smt.mbqi false)

(define-sort Str () Int)
(declare-fun strLen (Str) Int)
(declare-fun subString (Str Int Int) Str)
(declare-fun concatString (Str Str) Str)
(define-sort Elt () Int)
(define-sort LSet () (Array Elt Bool))
(define-sort Map () (Array Elt Elt))
(define-fun smt_map_sel ((m Map) (k Elt)) Elt (select m k))
(define-fun smt_map_sto ((m Map) (k Elt) (v Elt)) Map (store m k v))
(define-fun smt_map_cup ((m1 Map) (m2 Map)) Map ((_ map (+ (Elt Elt) Elt)) m1 m2))
(define-fun smt_map_prj ((s LSet) (m Map)) Map ((_ map (ite (Bool Elt Elt) Elt)) s m ((as const (Array Elt Elt)) 0)))
(define-fun smt_map_to_set ((m Map)) LSet ((_ map (> (Elt Elt) Bool)) m ((as const (Array Elt Elt)) 0)))
(define-fun smt_map_max ((m1 Map) (m2 Map)) Map (lambda ((i Int)) (ite (> (select m1 i) (select m2 i)) (select m1 i) (select m2 i))))
(define-fun smt_map_min ((m1 Map) (m2 Map)) Map (lambda ((i Int)) (ite (< (select m1 i) (select m2 i)) (select m1 i) (select m2 i))))
(define-fun smt_map_shift ((n Int) (m Map)) Map (lambda ((i Int)) (select m (- i n))))
(define-fun smt_map_def ((v Elt)) Map ((as const (Map)) v))
(define-fun bool_to_int ((b Bool)) Int (ite b 1 0))
(define-fun Z3_OP_MUL ((x Int) (y Int)) Int (* x y))
(define-fun Z3_OP_DIV ((x Int) (y Int)) Int (div x y))
(declare-fun GHC.Types.LT () Int)
(declare-fun x_Tuple33 () Int)
(declare-fun x_Tuple22 () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Internal.Real.$36$W$58$$37$ () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Internal.Enum.C$58$Bounded () Int)
(declare-fun x_Tuple21 () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Internal.Stack.Types.EmptyCallStack () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Internal.Stack.Types.FreezeCallStack () Int)
(declare-fun lit$36$MyLib () Str)
(declare-fun GHC.Types.TrNameS () Int)
(declare-fun cast_as () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Types.Module () Int)
(declare-fun x_Tuple31 () Int)
(declare-fun papp2 () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Num.Integer.IP () Int)
(declare-fun papp7 () Int)
(declare-fun papp1 () Int)
(declare-fun VV$35$$35$F$35$$35$2 () Int)
(declare-fun papp5 () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Num.Integer.IN () Int)
(declare-fun papp4 () Int)
(declare-fun lq_anf$36$$35$$35$7205759403792800964$35$$35$d1UM () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Types.False () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Types.TrNameD () Int)
(declare-fun lit$36$liquid$45$haskell$45$test$45$$45$inplace () Str)
(declare-fun GHC.Internal.Maybe.Just () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Tuple.$40$$44$$41$ () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Internal.Real.$58$$37$ () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Types.$91$$93$ () Int)
(declare-fun liquid_internal_this () Int)
(declare-fun lq_anf$36$$35$$35$7205759403792800962$35$$35$d1UK () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Classes.C$58$IP () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Types.EQ () Int)
(declare-fun papp3 () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Num.Integer.IS () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Internal.IO.Exception.IOError () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Tuple.$40$$41$ () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Types.True () Int)
(declare-fun head () Int)
(declare-fun tail () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Types.GT () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Internal.Data.Either.Left () Int)
(declare-fun papp6 () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Types.C$35$ () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Internal.Stack.Types.PushCallStack () Int)
(declare-fun cast_as_int () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Tuple.$40$$44$$44$$41$ () Int)
(declare-fun x_Tuple32 () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Types.$58$ () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Types.I$35$ () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Internal.Maybe.Nothing () Int)
(declare-fun GHC.Internal.Data.Either.Right () Int)
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$4 (Int Int) (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$16 (Int Str) (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$32 (Int (_ BitVec 64)) Str)
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$10 (Int Bool) (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$8 (Int Bool) Str)
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$14 (Int Str) Str)
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$21 (Int (Array Int Bool)) (Array Int Bool))
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$27 (Int (_ BitVec 32)) (Array Int Bool))
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$0 (Int Int) Int)
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$25 (Int (_ BitVec 32)) Bool)
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$31 (Int (_ BitVec 64)) Bool)
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$1 (Int Int) Bool)
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$34 (Int (_ BitVec 64)) (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$13 (Int Str) Bool)
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$20 (Int (Array Int Bool)) Str)
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$11 (Int Bool) (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$5 (Int Int) (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$33 (Int (_ BitVec 64)) (Array Int Bool))
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$30 (Int (_ BitVec 64)) Int)
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$24 (Int (_ BitVec 32)) Int)
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$28 (Int (_ BitVec 32)) (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$23 (Int (Array Int Bool)) (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$26 (Int (_ BitVec 32)) Str)
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$12 (Int Str) Int)
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$7 (Int Bool) Bool)
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$17 (Int Str) (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$15 (Int Str) (Array Int Bool))
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$18 (Int (Array Int Bool)) Int)
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$6 (Int Bool) Int)
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$9 (Int Bool) (Array Int Bool))
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$3 (Int Int) (Array Int Bool))
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$29 (Int (_ BitVec 32)) (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$2 (Int Int) Str)
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$22 (Int (Array Int Bool)) (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$35 (Int (_ BitVec 64)) (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-fun apply$35$$35$19 (Int (Array Int Bool)) Bool)
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$4 (Int) (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$16 (Str) (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$32 ((_ BitVec 64)) Str)
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$10 (Bool) (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$8 (Bool) Str)
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$14 (Str) Str)
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$21 ((Array Int Bool)) (Array Int Bool))
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$27 ((_ BitVec 32)) (Array Int Bool))
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$0 (Int) Int)
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$25 ((_ BitVec 32)) Bool)
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$31 ((_ BitVec 64)) Bool)
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$1 (Int) Bool)
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$34 ((_ BitVec 64)) (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$13 (Str) Bool)
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$20 ((Array Int Bool)) Str)
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$11 (Bool) (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$5 (Int) (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$33 ((_ BitVec 64)) (Array Int Bool))
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$30 ((_ BitVec 64)) Int)
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$24 ((_ BitVec 32)) Int)
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$28 ((_ BitVec 32)) (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$23 ((Array Int Bool)) (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$26 ((_ BitVec 32)) Str)
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$12 (Str) Int)
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$7 (Bool) Bool)
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$17 (Str) (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$15 (Str) (Array Int Bool))
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$18 ((Array Int Bool)) Int)
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$6 (Bool) Int)
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$9 (Bool) (Array Int Bool))
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$3 (Int) (Array Int Bool))
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$29 ((_ BitVec 32)) (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$2 (Int) Str)
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$22 ((Array Int Bool)) (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$35 ((_ BitVec 64)) (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-fun coerce$35$$35$19 ((Array Int Bool)) Bool)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$4 (Int (_ BitVec 32)) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$16 (Str (_ BitVec 32)) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$32 ((_ BitVec 64) Str) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$10 (Bool (_ BitVec 32)) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$8 (Bool Str) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$14 (Str Str) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$21 ((Array Int Bool) (Array Int Bool)) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$27 ((_ BitVec 32) (Array Int Bool)) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$0 (Int Int) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$25 ((_ BitVec 32) Bool) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$31 ((_ BitVec 64) Bool) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$1 (Int Bool) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$34 ((_ BitVec 64) (_ BitVec 32)) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$13 (Str Bool) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$20 ((Array Int Bool) Str) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$11 (Bool (_ BitVec 64)) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$5 (Int (_ BitVec 64)) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$33 ((_ BitVec 64) (Array Int Bool)) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$30 ((_ BitVec 64) Int) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$24 ((_ BitVec 32) Int) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$28 ((_ BitVec 32) (_ BitVec 32)) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$23 ((Array Int Bool) (_ BitVec 64)) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$26 ((_ BitVec 32) Str) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$12 (Str Int) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$7 (Bool Bool) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$17 (Str (_ BitVec 64)) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$15 (Str (Array Int Bool)) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$18 ((Array Int Bool) Int) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$6 (Bool Int) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$9 (Bool (Array Int Bool)) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$3 (Int (Array Int Bool)) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$29 ((_ BitVec 32) (_ BitVec 64)) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$2 (Int Str) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$22 ((Array Int Bool) (_ BitVec 32)) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$35 ((_ BitVec 64) (_ BitVec 64)) Int)
(declare-fun smt_lambda$35$$35$19 ((Array Int Bool) Bool) Int)
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$1$35$$35$0 () Int)
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$2$35$$35$0 () Int)
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$3$35$$35$0 () Int)
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$4$35$$35$0 () Int)
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$5$35$$35$0 () Int)
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$6$35$$35$0 () Int)
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$7$35$$35$0 () Int)
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$1$35$$35$30 () (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$2$35$$35$30 () (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$3$35$$35$30 () (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$4$35$$35$30 () (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$5$35$$35$30 () (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$6$35$$35$30 () (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$7$35$$35$30 () (_ BitVec 64))
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$1$35$$35$24 () (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$2$35$$35$24 () (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$3$35$$35$24 () (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$4$35$$35$24 () (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$5$35$$35$24 () (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$6$35$$35$24 () (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$7$35$$35$24 () (_ BitVec 32))
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$1$35$$35$12 () Str)
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$2$35$$35$12 () Str)
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$3$35$$35$12 () Str)
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$4$35$$35$12 () Str)
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$5$35$$35$12 () Str)
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$6$35$$35$12 () Str)
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$7$35$$35$12 () Str)
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$1$35$$35$18 () (Array Int Bool))
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$2$35$$35$18 () (Array Int Bool))
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$3$35$$35$18 () (Array Int Bool))
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$4$35$$35$18 () (Array Int Bool))
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$5$35$$35$18 () (Array Int Bool))
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$6$35$$35$18 () (Array Int Bool))
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$7$35$$35$18 () (Array Int Bool))
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$1$35$$35$6 () Bool)
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$2$35$$35$6 () Bool)
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$3$35$$35$6 () Bool)
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$4$35$$35$6 () Bool)
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$5$35$$35$6 () Bool)
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$6$35$$35$6 () Bool)
(declare-fun lam_arg$35$$35$7$35$$35$6 () Bool)
(assert (distinct lit$36$liquid$45$haskell$45$test$45$$45$inplace lit$36$MyLib))
(assert (distinct GHC.Types.True GHC.Types.False))

(assert (distinct GHC.Types.GT GHC.Types.EQ GHC.Types.LT))
(assert (= (strLen lit$36$MyLib) 5))
(assert (= (strLen lit$36$liquid$45$haskell$45$test$45$$45$inplace) 35))
(push 1)
(define-fun b$36$$35$$35$16 () Bool (= VV$35$$35$F$35$$35$2 GHC.Types.True))
(push 1)
(push 1)
(assert (and true b$36$$35$$35$16))
(push 1)
(assert (not VV$35$$35$F$35$$35$2))
; SMT Says: Error "line 3 column 11916: Sort mismatch at argument #1 for function (declare-fun not (Bool) Bool) supplied sort is Int"
(pop 1)
(pop 1)
(pop 1)
(pop 1)

Here, the constant VV$35$$35$F$35$$35$2 is declared as an Int, and it is later used as an argument to not.

I also pasted the example file into the online demo, and it checked successfully as "Safe" there.

My Environment

Here are the library/tool versions I'm using that might be relevant:

All the Liquid Haskell packages were built using the GitHub snapshots tagged with their version numbers.

I'm using cabal-install (not stack), and I'm getting GHC 9.10.1 and the non-Liquid-Haskell packages from nixpkgs on NixOS.


Thanks for all your work on this cool project! I haven't used it substantially before, so please let me know if I've made some kind of basic mistake in my setup.

octalsrc commented 2 weeks ago

I got the same result when I used the latest develop branch snapshot of liquidhaskell, liquidhaskell-boot, and liquid-fixpoint.

**** LIQUID: ERROR *************************************************************
<no location info>: error:
    :1:1-1:1: Error
  crash: SMTLIB2 respSat = Error "line 3 column 13801: Sort mismatch at argument #1 for function (declare-fun not
(Bool) Bool) supplied sort is Int"

(It seems with this version, there is no SMT file output to compare)

facundominguez commented 2 weeks ago

:wave: On develop it passes for me with this command:

cabal exec ghc -- -fforce-recomp MyLib.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling MyLib            ( MyLib.hs, MyLib.o )

**** LIQUID: SAFE (1 constraints checked) **************************************

My z3 version and compiler seem to match yours. I build all packages with cabal build liquidhaskell except the boot packages.

We must have some other difference. I enter a nix-shell with nix-shell -p haskell.compiler.ghc9101 z3 cabal-install.

On develop, the following should produce the .smt2 files and more:

{-@ LIQUID "--save" @-}

I'm uploading mine here.

facundominguez commented 2 weeks ago

Perhaps it is worth sharing the result of cabal freeze, since we must have different dependency versions installed.

octalsrc commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for taking a look!

My cabal freeze output is:

active-repositories: hackage.haskell.org:merge
constraints: any.Cabal ==,
             any.Cabal-syntax ==,
             any.Diff ==0.4.1,
             any.HUnit ==,
             any.OneTuple ==0.4.2,
             any.QuickCheck ==2.14.3,
             any.StateVar ==1.2.2,
             any.aeson ==,
             any.ansi-terminal ==1.0.2,
             any.ansi-terminal-types ==0.11.5,
             any.array ==,
             any.ascii-progress ==,
             any.assoc ==1.1.1,
             any.async ==2.2.5,
             any.attoparsec ==0.14.4,
             any.base ==,
             any.base-compat ==0.13.1,
             any.base-orphans ==0.9.2,
             any.base64-bytestring ==,
             any.bifunctors ==5.6.2,
             any.binary ==,
             any.bitvec ==,
             any.boxes ==0.1.5,
             any.bytestring ==,
             any.call-stack ==0.4.0,
             any.case-insensitive ==,
             any.cereal ==,
             any.character-ps ==0.1,
             any.clock ==0.8.4,
             any.cmdargs ==0.10.22,
             any.colour ==2.3.6,
             any.comonad ==5.0.8,
             any.concurrent-output ==1.10.21,
             any.containers ==0.7,
             any.contravariant ==1.5.5,
             any.cryptohash-sha1 ==,
             any.data-default ==,
             any.data-default-class ==,
             any.data-default-instances-containers ==0.0.1,
             any.data-default-instances-dlist ==0.0.1,
             any.data-default-instances-old-locale ==0.0.1,
             any.data-fix ==0.3.4,
             any.deepseq ==,
             any.directory ==,
             any.distributive ==,
             any.dlist ==1.0,
             any.exceptions ==0.10.7,
             any.extra ==1.7.16,
             any.fgl ==,
             any.filepath ==,
             any.fingertree ==,
             any.free ==5.2,
             any.generically ==0.1.1,
             any.ghc ==9.10.1,
             any.ghc-bignum ==1.3,
             any.ghc-boot ==9.10.1,
             any.ghc-boot-th ==9.10.1,
             any.ghc-heap ==9.10.1,
             any.ghc-internal ==9.1001.0,
             any.ghc-platform ==,
             any.ghc-prim ==0.11.0,
             any.ghci ==9.10.1,
             any.githash ==,
             any.gitrev ==1.3.1,
             any.hashable ==,
             any.haskell-lexer ==1.1.1,
             any.hpc ==,
             any.hscolour ==1.25,
             any.hspec ==2.11.9,
             any.hspec-core ==2.11.9,
             any.hspec-discover ==2.11.9,
             any.hspec-expectations ==0.8.4,
             any.hspec-smallcheck ==0.5.3,
             any.indexed-traversable ==0.1.4,
             any.indexed-traversable-instances ==0.1.2,
             any.integer-conversion ==0.1.1,
             any.integer-gmp ==1.1,
             any.integer-logarithms ==,
             any.intern ==0.9.5,
             any.lens-family ==2.1.3,
             any.lens-family-core ==2.1.3,
             any.lifted-base ==,
             any.liquid-fixpoint ==,
             any.liquidhaskell ==,
             any.liquidhaskell-boot ==,
             any.logict ==,
             any.megaparsec ==9.5.0,
             any.monad-control ==,
             any.mono-traversable ==,
             any.mtl ==2.3.1,
             any.nats ==1.1.2,
             any.network ==,
             any.network-uri ==,
             any.old-locale ==,
             any.optparse-applicative ==,
             any.os-string ==2.0.2,
             any.parallel ==,
             any.parsec ==,
             any.parser-combinators ==1.3.0,
             any.pretty ==,
             any.prettyprinter ==1.7.1,
             any.prettyprinter-ansi-terminal ==1.1.3,
             any.primitive ==,
             any.process ==,
             any.profunctors ==5.6.2,
             any.quickcheck-io ==0.2.0,
             any.random ==,
             any.recursion-schemes ==5.2.3,
             any.resourcet ==1.3.0,
             any.rest-rewrite ==0.4.4,
             any.rts ==1.0.2,
             any.safe ==0.3.21,
             any.scientific ==,
             any.semaphore-compat ==1.0.0,
             any.semialign ==1.3.1,
             any.semigroupoids ==6.0.1,
             any.smallcheck ==,
             any.smtlib-backends ==0.4,
             any.smtlib-backends-process ==0.3,
             any.split ==0.2.5,
             any.splitmix ==,
             any.stm ==,
             any.store ==0.7.18,
             any.store-core ==,
             any.strict ==0.5,
             any.syb ==,
             any.tagged ==0.8.8,
             any.template-haskell ==,
             any.temporary ==1.3,
             any.terminal-size ==0.3.4,
             any.text ==2.1.1,
             any.text-iso8601 ==0.1.1,
             any.text-short ==0.1.6,
             any.tf-random ==0.5,
             any.th-abstraction ==,
             any.th-compat ==0.1.5,
             any.th-expand-syns ==,
             any.th-lift ==0.8.4,
             any.th-lift-instances ==0.1.20,
             any.th-orphans ==0.13.14,
             any.th-reify-many ==0.1.10,
             any.th-utilities ==,
             any.these ==1.2.1,
             any.time ==1.12.2,
             any.time-compat ==,
             any.transformers ==,
             any.transformers-base ==0.4.6,
             any.transformers-compat ==0.7.2,
             any.unix ==,
             any.unliftio-core ==,
             any.unordered-containers ==0.2.20,
             any.uuid-types ==1.0.6,
             any.vector ==,
             any.vector-algorithms ==,
             any.vector-stream ==,
             any.void ==0.7.3,
             any.witherable ==0.4.2
index-state: hackage.haskell.org 2024-09-03T16:55:33Z

This is based on the haskell.packages.ghc9101 package set, from a Sep. 10 snapshot of nixpkgs-unstable. I used the following overrides on the package set to fix the broken packages:

liquid9101 = super.haskell.packages.ghc9101.override {
  overrides = self: super: rec {
    # Existing (broken) version was, while this version is
    #, which among other things "added support for
    # ghc-9.10.1".
    liquid-fixpoint = super.callPackage ./liquid-fixpoint.nix {};
    liquidhaskell = overrideCabal
      (self.callPackage ./liquidhaskell.nix { z3 = system-z3; })
      (old: {
        libraryToolDepends = [ system-z3 ];
    liquidhaskell-boot = self.callPackage ./liquidhaskell-boot.nix {};
    # The existing version of rest-rewrite was pre-revision 0.4.3,
    # which required a too-old version of "containers".
    rest-rewrite = dontCheck (super.callPackage ./rest-rewrite.nix {});
    # smtlib-backends-process was only broken because the tests
    # failed; they failed because the system z3 executable was not
    # passed into the test dependencies correctly (shadowed by the
    # "z3" haskell library).
    smtlib-backends-process = unmarkBroken (dontCheck super.smtlib-backends-process);

I generated the liquidhaskell.nix, liquid-fixpoint.nix, liquidhaskell-boot.nix, and rest-rewrite.nix files using cabal2nix, based on the GitHub snapshots for their versions.

octalsrc commented 2 weeks ago

I condensed my environment into a single nix-shell file that you should be able to reproduce the error with. This is based on a nixos-unstable snapshot from today, which made it possible to use the Hackage versions of all packages. I've hardcoded that snapshot into the nix-shell file.

I have put the following in ./cabal-shell.nix:

  # This commit was the head of nixos-unstable on 2024-11-08
  nixpkgsCommit = "4aa36568d413aca0ea84a1684d2d46f55dbabad7";
  nixpkgsUrl = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/${nixpkgsCommit}.tar.gz";
  pkgs = import (fetchTarball nixpkgsUrl) {};

  inherit (pkgs.haskell.lib) unmarkBroken overrideCabal;

  myHaskellPackages = pkgs.haskell.packages.ghc9101.override {
    overrides = self: super: rec {
      # Remove spurious broken flag for liquid-fixpoint
      liquid-fixpoint = unmarkBroken super.liquid-fixpoint;
      # Add z3 executable to build env for liquidhaskell
      liquidhaskell = overrideCabal
        (old: {
          libraryToolDepends = [ pkgs.z3 ];
      # Add z3 executable to test env for smtlib-backends-process,
      # remove broken flag (that I assume was there due to the tests
      # failing without z3).
      smtlib-backends-process = overrideCabal
        (old: {
          testToolDepends = [ pkgs.z3 ];
          broken = false;

  test-package = myHaskellPackages.mkDerivation {
    pname = "liquid-haskell-test";
    version = "";
    src = ./.;

    libraryToolDepends = [
      # Need this for the liquidhaskell plugin
    libraryHaskellDepends = [
    license = "unknown";

in test-package.env

Now, I can produce the error using either cabal exec ghc or cabal build as follows:

$ nix-shell --pure cabal-shell.nix

[nix-shell]$ cabal build
Build profile: -w ghc-9.10.1 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
 - liquid-haskell-test- (lib) (first run)
Preprocessing library for liquid-haskell-test-
Building library for liquid-haskell-test-
[1 of 1] Compiling MyLib            ( src/MyLib.hs, /home/.../liquid-haskell-test/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-9.10.1/liquid-haskell-test-, /home/.../liquid-haskell-test/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-9.10.1/liquid-haskell-test- )

**** LIQUID: ERROR *************************************************************
<no location info>: error:
    :1:1-1:1: Error
  crash: SMTLIB2 respSat = Error "line 3 column 11916: Sort mismatch at argument #1 for function (declare-fun not
(Bool) Bool) supplied sort is Int"

Error: [Cabal-7125]
Failed to build liquid-haskell-test-

[nix-shell]$ cabal exec ghc -- -fforce-recomp src/MyLib.hs
Loaded package environment from /home/.../liquid-haskell-test/dist-newstyle/tmp/environment.-687319/.ghc.environment.x86_64-linux-9.10.1
[1 of 1] Compiling MyLib            ( src/MyLib.hs, src/MyLib.o )

**** LIQUID: ERROR *************************************************************
<no location info>: error:
    :1:1-1:1: Error
  crash: SMTLIB2 respSat = Error "line 3 column 11786: Sort mismatch at argument #1 for function (declare-fun not
(Bool) Bool) supplied sort is Int"
octalsrc commented 2 weeks ago

And here's a quick repo that puts all the files in the right place for reproducing the error:


octalsrc commented 2 weeks ago

Now I've successfully verified the MyLib.hs file by using cabal so that it fetches its packages directly from Hackage, rather than using nix to provide the packages. As you suggested, using the environment:

nix-shell -p haskell.compiler.ghc9101 z3 cabal-install
[nix-shell] $ cabal update
[nix-shell] $ cabal build

So the error is probably triggered by a difference in package versions between the following freeze files:

First is the freeze file generated by cabal from today's Hackage (which did not produce the error).

active-repositories: hackage.haskell.org:merge
constraints: any.Cabal ==,
             any.Cabal-syntax ==,
             any.Diff ==0.5,
             any.HUnit ==,
             any.OneTuple ==0.4.2,
             any.QuickCheck ==,
             QuickCheck -old-random +templatehaskell,
             any.StateVar ==1.2.2,
             any.aeson ==,
             aeson +ordered-keymap,
             any.ansi-terminal ==1.1.1,
             ansi-terminal -example,
             any.ansi-terminal-types ==1.1,
             any.array ==,
             any.ascii-progress ==,
             ascii-progress -examples,
             any.assoc ==1.1.1,
             assoc -tagged,
             any.async ==2.2.5,
             async -bench,
             any.attoparsec ==0.14.4,
             attoparsec -developer,
             any.base ==,
             any.base-compat ==0.14.0,
             any.base-orphans ==0.9.2,
             any.base64-bytestring ==,
             any.bifunctors ==5.6.2,
             bifunctors +tagged,
             any.binary ==,
             any.bitvec ==,
             bitvec +simd,
             any.boxes ==0.1.5,
             any.bytestring ==,
             any.call-stack ==0.4.0,
             any.case-insensitive ==,
             any.cereal ==,
             cereal -bytestring-builder,
             any.character-ps ==0.1,
             any.clock ==0.8.4,
             clock -llvm,
             any.cmdargs ==0.10.22,
             cmdargs +quotation -testprog,
             any.colour ==2.3.6,
             any.comonad ==5.0.8,
             comonad +containers +distributive +indexed-traversable,
             any.concurrent-output ==1.10.21,
             any.containers ==0.7,
             any.contravariant ==1.5.5,
             contravariant +semigroups +statevar +tagged,
             any.cryptohash-sha1 ==,
             any.data-default ==,
             any.data-fix ==0.3.4,
             any.deepseq ==,
             any.directory ==,
             any.distributive ==,
             distributive +semigroups +tagged,
             any.dlist ==1.0,
             dlist -werror,
             any.exceptions ==0.10.7,
             any.extra ==1.8,
             any.fgl ==,
             fgl +containers042,
             any.filepath ==,
             any.fingertree ==,
             any.free ==5.2,
             any.generically ==0.1.1,
             any.ghc ==9.10.1,
             any.ghc-bignum ==1.3,
             any.ghc-boot ==9.10.1,
             any.ghc-boot-th ==9.10.1,
             any.ghc-heap ==9.10.1,
             any.ghc-internal ==9.1001.0,
             any.ghc-platform ==,
             any.ghc-prim ==0.11.0,
             any.ghci ==9.10.1,
             any.githash ==,
             any.gitrev ==1.3.1,
             any.hashable ==,
             hashable -arch-native +integer-gmp -random-initial-seed,
             any.haskell-lexer ==1.1.2,
             any.hpc ==,
             any.hsc2hs ==0.68.10,
             hsc2hs -in-ghc-tree,
             any.hscolour ==1.25,
             any.hspec ==2.11.9,
             any.hspec-core ==2.11.9,
             any.hspec-discover ==2.11.9,
             any.hspec-expectations ==0.8.4,
             any.hspec-smallcheck ==0.5.3,
             any.indexed-traversable ==0.1.4,
             any.indexed-traversable-instances ==0.1.2,
             any.integer-conversion ==0.1.1,
             any.integer-gmp ==1.1,
             any.integer-logarithms ==,
             integer-logarithms -check-bounds +integer-gmp,
             any.intern ==0.9.5,
             any.lens-family ==2.1.3,
             any.lens-family-core ==2.1.3,
             any.lifted-base ==,
             any.liquid-fixpoint ==,
             liquid-fixpoint -devel -link-z3-as-a-library,
             any.liquidhaskell ==,
             liquidhaskell -devel,
             any.liquidhaskell-boot ==,
             liquidhaskell-boot -devel,
             any.logict ==,
             any.megaparsec ==9.6.1,
             megaparsec -dev,
             any.monad-control ==,
             any.monad-loops ==0.4.3,
             monad-loops +base4,
             any.mono-traversable ==,
             any.mtl ==2.3.1,
             any.nats ==1.1.2,
             nats +binary +hashable +template-haskell,
             any.network ==,
             network -devel,
             any.network-uri ==,
             any.optparse-applicative ==,
             optparse-applicative +process,
             any.os-string ==2.0.2,
             any.parallel ==,
             any.parsec ==,
             any.parser-combinators ==1.3.0,
             parser-combinators -dev,
             any.pretty ==,
             any.prettyprinter ==1.7.1,
             prettyprinter -buildreadme +text,
             any.prettyprinter-ansi-terminal ==1.1.3,
             any.primitive ==,
             any.process ==,
             any.profunctors ==5.6.2,
             any.quickcheck-io ==0.2.0,
             any.random ==,
             any.recursion-schemes ==5.2.3,
             recursion-schemes +template-haskell,
             any.resourcet ==1.3.0,
             any.rest-rewrite ==0.4.4,
             any.rts ==1.0.2,
             any.safe ==0.3.21,
             any.scientific ==,
             scientific -integer-simple,
             any.semaphore-compat ==1.0.0,
             any.semialign ==1.3.1,
             semialign +semigroupoids,
             any.semigroupoids ==6.0.1,
             semigroupoids +comonad +containers +contravariant +distributive +tagged +unordered-containers,
             any.smallcheck ==,
             any.smtlib-backends ==0.4,
             any.smtlib-backends-process ==0.3,
             any.split ==0.2.5,
             any.splitmix ==,
             splitmix -optimised-mixer,
             any.stm ==,
             any.store ==0.7.18,
             store -comparison-bench -integer-simple -small-bench,
             any.store-core ==,
             store-core -force-alignment,
             any.strict ==0.5.1,
             any.syb ==,
             any.tagged ==0.8.8,
             tagged +deepseq +transformers,
             any.template-haskell ==,
             any.temporary ==1.3,
             any.terminal-size ==0.3.4,
             any.text ==2.1.1,
             any.text-iso8601 ==0.1.1,
             any.text-short ==0.1.6,
             text-short -asserts,
             any.tf-random ==0.5,
             any.th-abstraction ==,
             any.th-compat ==0.1.5,
             any.th-expand-syns ==,
             any.th-lift ==0.8.5,
             any.th-lift-instances ==0.1.20,
             any.th-orphans ==0.13.15,
             any.th-reify-many ==0.1.10,
             any.th-utilities ==,
             any.these ==1.2.1,
             any.time ==1.12.2,
             any.time-compat ==1.9.7,
             any.transformers ==,
             any.transformers-base ==0.4.6,
             transformers-base +orphaninstances,
             any.transformers-compat ==0.7.2,
             transformers-compat -five +five-three -four +generic-deriving +mtl -three -two,
             any.unix ==,
             any.unliftio-core ==,
             any.unordered-containers ==0.2.20,
             unordered-containers -debug,
             any.uuid-types ==1.0.6,
             any.vector ==,
             vector +boundschecks -internalchecks -unsafechecks -wall,
             any.vector-algorithms ==,
             vector-algorithms +bench +boundschecks -internalchecks -llvm +properties -unsafechecks,
             any.vector-stream ==,
             any.void ==0.7.3,
             void -safe,
             any.witherable ==0.5
index-state: hackage.haskell.org 2024-11-09T17:56:52Z

And second is the freeze file generated by cabal for the packages provided through yesterday's nixos-unstable package set, using the cabal-shell.nix I defined above (which produced the error).

active-repositories: hackage.haskell.org:merge
constraints: any.Cabal ==,
             any.Cabal-syntax ==,
             any.Diff ==0.4.1,
             any.HUnit ==,
             any.OneTuple ==0.4.2,
             any.QuickCheck ==2.14.3,
             any.StateVar ==1.2.2,
             any.aeson ==,
             any.ansi-terminal ==1.0.2,
             any.ansi-terminal-types ==0.11.5,
             any.array ==,
             any.ascii-progress ==,
             any.assoc ==1.1.1,
             any.async ==2.2.5,
             any.attoparsec ==0.14.4,
             any.base ==,
             any.base-compat ==0.13.1,
             any.base-orphans ==0.9.2,
             any.base64-bytestring ==,
             any.bifunctors ==5.6.2,
             any.binary ==,
             any.bitvec ==,
             any.boxes ==0.1.5,
             any.bytestring ==,
             any.call-stack ==0.4.0,
             any.case-insensitive ==,
             any.cereal ==,
             any.character-ps ==0.1,
             any.clock ==0.8.4,
             any.cmdargs ==0.10.22,
             any.colour ==2.3.6,
             any.comonad ==5.0.8,
             any.concurrent-output ==1.10.21,
             any.containers ==0.7,
             any.contravariant ==1.5.5,
             any.cryptohash-sha1 ==,
             any.data-default ==,
             any.data-default-class ==,
             any.data-default-instances-containers ==0.0.1,
             any.data-default-instances-dlist ==0.0.1,
             any.data-default-instances-old-locale ==0.0.1,
             any.data-fix ==0.3.4,
             any.deepseq ==,
             any.directory ==,
             any.distributive ==,
             any.dlist ==1.0,
             any.exceptions ==0.10.7,
             any.extra ==1.7.16,
             any.fgl ==,
             any.filepath ==,
             any.fingertree ==,
             any.free ==5.2,
             any.generically ==0.1.1,
             any.ghc ==9.10.1,
             any.ghc-bignum ==1.3,
             any.ghc-boot ==9.10.1,
             any.ghc-boot-th ==9.10.1,
             any.ghc-heap ==9.10.1,
             any.ghc-internal ==9.1001.0,
             any.ghc-platform ==,
             any.ghc-prim ==0.11.0,
             any.ghci ==9.10.1,
             any.githash ==,
             any.gitrev ==1.3.1,
             any.hashable ==,
             any.haskell-lexer ==1.1.1,
             any.hpc ==,
             any.hscolour ==1.25,
             any.hspec ==2.11.9,
             any.hspec-core ==2.11.9,
             any.hspec-discover ==2.11.9,
             any.hspec-expectations ==0.8.4,
             any.hspec-smallcheck ==0.5.3,
             any.indexed-traversable ==0.1.4,
             any.indexed-traversable-instances ==0.1.2,
             any.integer-conversion ==0.1.1,
             any.integer-gmp ==1.1,
             any.integer-logarithms ==,
             any.intern ==0.9.5,
             any.lens-family ==2.1.3,
             any.lens-family-core ==2.1.3,
             any.lifted-base ==,
             any.liquid-fixpoint ==,
             any.liquidhaskell ==,
             any.liquidhaskell-boot ==,
             any.logict ==,
             any.megaparsec ==9.5.0,
             any.monad-control ==,
             any.mono-traversable ==,
             any.mtl ==2.3.1,
             any.nats ==1.1.2,
             any.network ==,
             any.network-uri ==,
             any.old-locale ==,
             any.optparse-applicative ==,
             any.os-string ==2.0.2,
             any.parallel ==,
             any.parsec ==,
             any.parser-combinators ==1.3.0,
             any.pretty ==,
             any.prettyprinter ==1.7.1,
             any.prettyprinter-ansi-terminal ==1.1.3,
             any.primitive ==,
             any.process ==,
             any.profunctors ==5.6.2,
             any.quickcheck-io ==0.2.0,
             any.random ==,
             any.recursion-schemes ==5.2.3,
             any.resourcet ==1.3.0,
             any.rest-rewrite ==0.4.4,
             any.rts ==1.0.2,
             any.safe ==0.3.21,
             any.scientific ==,
             any.semaphore-compat ==1.0.0,
             any.semialign ==1.3.1,
             any.semigroupoids ==6.0.1,
             any.smallcheck ==,
             any.smtlib-backends ==0.4,
             any.smtlib-backends-process ==0.3,
             any.split ==0.2.5,
             any.splitmix ==,
             any.stm ==,
             any.store ==0.7.18,
             any.store-core ==,
             any.strict ==0.5,
             any.syb ==,
             any.tagged ==0.8.8,
             any.template-haskell ==,
             any.temporary ==1.3,
             any.terminal-size ==0.3.4,
             any.text ==2.1.1,
             any.text-iso8601 ==0.1.1,
             any.text-short ==0.1.6,
             any.tf-random ==0.5,
             any.th-abstraction ==,
             any.th-compat ==0.1.5,
             any.th-expand-syns ==,
             any.th-lift ==0.8.4,
             any.th-lift-instances ==0.1.20,
             any.th-orphans ==0.13.14,
             any.th-reify-many ==0.1.10,
             any.th-utilities ==,
             any.these ==1.2.1,
             any.time ==1.12.2,
             any.time-compat ==,
             any.transformers ==,
             any.transformers-base ==0.4.6,
             any.transformers-compat ==0.7.2,
             any.unix ==,
             any.unliftio-core ==,
             any.unordered-containers ==0.2.20,
             any.uuid-types ==1.0.6,
             any.vector ==,
             any.vector-algorithms ==,
             any.vector-stream ==,
             any.void ==0.7.3,
             any.witherable ==0.4.2
index-state: hackage.haskell.org 2024-09-03T16:55:33Z
octalsrc commented 2 weeks ago

Okay, it looks like this is a problem with the Haskell libraries provided by nixpkgs.

I found that the same cabal.project.freeze file can produce both a working liquidhaskell and a non-working liquidhaskell depending on whether it is built with cabal fetching dependencies directly from Hackage, or built using dependencies (with the same versions) provided by nixpkgs.

I've recorded the details for reproducing this here.

I'll close this issue, since it seems the fix would need to happen in the nixpkgs repo.

facundominguez commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks @octalsrc. Beint reproducible with the nix configuration, it is going to be helpful to learn why LH would break with the dependencies from nixpkgs.