ucsdeventhub / EventHub

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use case: favoriting/unfavoriting events #23

Open ear7h opened 4 years ago

ear7h commented 4 years ago


The student favorites or unfavorites an event.

User Goal

The student can easily access information about the event and read announcements.



Dependent Use Cases


The system shall allow the user to favorite or unfavorite a specific event.


The student must be viewing an event page.


The Settings page and the Calendar shall be populated with the favorited event.


The user is interested and wants to stay updated on a particular event.


  1. The system shall display an event page.
  2. The student shall click the favorite button.
  3. The system shall notify the student that they have favorited the event by changing the button to unfavorite.
  4. The system shall add the favorited event to the user settings.

Alternative Workflow

  1. The system shall display an event page.
  2. The student shall click the unfavorite button.
  3. The system shall notify the student that they have unfavorited the event by changing the button to favorite.
  4. The system shall remove the specific event from the user favorites and settings.

Dependent Design Use cases

Design Workflow

  1. The student shall click the favorite button on the event page.
  2. The front end shall request the user's information from the React controller.
  3. The React controller shall use the model to query the SQL database to save the event under the user's information.

Design Alternative Workflow

  1. The student shall click the unfavorite button on the event page.
  2. The front end shall request the user's information from the React controller.
  3. The React controller shall use the model to query the SQL database to remove the event under the user's information.