Note: I've chosen to continue ignoring the rubocop error as I don't see
a more concise way of doing what we need done there. Perhaps we can
revisit this in the future
Local Checklist
[x] Tests written and passing locally?
[x] Code style checked?
[x] QA-ed locally?
[x] Rebased with master branch?
[ ] Configuration updated (if needed)?
[ ] Documentation updated (if needed)?
What does this PR do?
Updates a variety of dependencies
Specified a minimum version of coveralls since, for some reason, a bundle update always makes it revert to an old 0.7 version.
Adds an additional rubocop exception for the unless controller line
Note: I've chosen to continue ignoring the rubocop error as I don't see a more concise way of doing what we need done there. Perhaps we can revisit this in the future
Local Checklist
branch?What does this PR do?
bundle update
always makes it revert to an old 0.7 version.unless
controller line@ucsdlib/developers - please review