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An Open Source Spatio-Temporal Prediction Package
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STMeta QuickStart has no attribute LM #5

Closed Jinmengyu6 closed 3 years ago

Jinmengyu6 commented 4 years ago

I don't fine the attribute LM in data_loader.py, but it was used in STMeta. and can't run success the code as below

STMeta_Obj = STMeta(closeness_len=data_loader.closeness_len, period_len=data_loader.period_len, trend_len=data_loader.trend_len, num_node=data_loader.station_number, num_graph=data_loader.LM.shape[0], external_dim=data_loader.external_dim)

Liyue-Chen commented 4 years ago

I don't fine the attribute LM in data_loader.py, but it was used in STMeta. and can't run success the code as below

STMeta_Obj = STMeta(closeness_len=data_loader.closeness_len, period_len=data_loader.period_len, trend_len=data_loader.trend_len, num_node=data_loader.station_number, num_graph=data_loader.LM.shape[0], external_dim=data_loader.external_dim)


Thanks for your attention. This error occur because we change graph generating way in UCTB and we didn't update STMeta QuickStart code in time.

We have updated STMeta QuickStart code, please pull latest code.


QAQTATQAQTAT commented 3 years ago

I can‘t run success the code and error as below:

code: data_loader = NodeTrafficLoader(dataset='Bike', city='NYC', graph='Correlation', closeness_len=6, period_len=7, trend_len=4, normalize=True) error: ConnectionResetError: [WinError 10054] 远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接

maybe it happen because I don‘t have file “NYCBike”?

Liyue-Chen commented 3 years ago

I can‘t run success the code and error as below:

code: data_loader = NodeTrafficLoader(dataset='Bike', city='NYC', graph='Correlation', closeness_len=6, period_len=7, trend_len=4, normalize=True) error: ConnectionResetError: [WinError 10054] 远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接

maybe it happen because I don‘t have file “NYCBike”?


Thanks for your attention. This error occurs because the data weren't downloaded correctly. You can visit our BIKE datasets at the following repo (https://github.com/Di-Chai/UCTB_Data).

And then move the data into the data directory in the root directory that your UCTB installed in. (e.g. XXX\Python\Python36\Lib\site-packages\UCTB\data)


QAQTATQAQTAT commented 3 years ago

Oh,Thanks for your reply immediately!

I download the file and move this file into the right location,but when I run it again,it occurs a new error.

error:Found C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python36\site-packages\UCTB\data\Bike_NYC.tar.gz not a gzip file

I can't use 7-zip to change .gz file to .gzip file.

Liyue-Chen commented 3 years ago

Oh,Thanks for your reply immediately!

I download the file and move this file into the right location,but when I run it again,it occurs a new error.

error:Found C:\Users\DELL\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python36\site-packages\UCTB\data\Bike_NYC.tar.gz not a gzip file

I can't use 7-zip to change .gz file to .gzip file.

Just use 7-zip to transform the *.tar.gz files to *.pkl and move them into the right place.

QAQTATQAQTAT commented 3 years ago

I tried many times with 7-zip, but it can't convert to *.pkL file.It would appear the error message when I used 7-zip to extract the file at the second step.I also tried many of the other approaches I have seen online,but they don't work.

If it 's convenient for you, can you directly send the *.pkl file to taoguo19@mails.jlu.edu.cn.