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Add a scope warning into the new-unit template #187

Closed dr-shorthair closed 2 years ago

dr-shorthair commented 2 years ago

Put a prominent warning about the scope of UCUM in the new-unit request template. (To discourage request for non-science units.)

timbrisc commented 2 years ago

@dr-shorthair Thank you for this feedback. It is a good suggestion. What do you think of this draft text?

Note the scope of UCUM is science, healthcare, engineering, and business. Units outside this context are discouraged.

dr-shorthair commented 2 years ago

Maybe add the caveat 'but not including currencies' after 'business'. ?

timbrisc commented 2 years ago

Thank you, Simon. This scope has been added to the issue template. We are in the process of drafting text for the UCUM site to direct users on making requests.