udacity / AdvancedAndroid_Emojify

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Starting Code dosen't run correctly , When i capture an image its crash #18

Open mahmoud-elshahat opened 7 years ago

mahmoud-elshahat commented 7 years ago

application dosent show the image when i take it , it get crashed and return to main activity with this exception FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process: com.sec.android.app.camera, PID: 8066 java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: opening provider android.support.v4.content.FileProvider from ProcessRecord{427c29a8 8066:com.sec.android.app.camera/u0a85} (pid=8066, uid=10085) that is not exported from uid 10205

i try to google it a lot of time but at end i failed to solve this problem , thanks in advance

dansuse commented 7 years ago

Hi @MahmoudAhmedElshahat

I think your issue have been solved in here https://github.com/udacity/AdvancedAndroid_Emojify/issues/7