udacity / blockchain-nanodegree-issues

Issues for Udacity's Blockchain Nanodegree program
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Typo in Blockchain Data -> Lesson 4: Blockchain Data -> 5. Transaction Data Models #135

Open liamseanbrady opened 5 years ago

liamseanbrady commented 5 years ago

"Transaction in the bitcoin blockchain are stored…" should be "Transactions in the bitcoin blockchain are stored…"

"View this transaction in a block explore here." should be "View this transaction in a block explorer here"

Link to page: https://classroom.udacity.com/nanodegrees/nd1309/parts/31b86083-85e4-43ae-b154-6905b461f2c1/modules/0af5bc78-b446-4b60-b9cd-8659536cd59f/lessons/970128bc-c405-4a22-8fed-d3f56d5dfac1/concepts/8901bb04-af1c-4877-a7a3-3d5b08928a91


jperera84 commented 5 years ago

Thanks Liam, sending to the production team to fix.

liamseanbrady commented 5 years ago

@jperera84 Hi Jose! I was watching going through this lesson again and I noticed that the video and the video notes state that "Transactions in the bitcoin blockchain are stored in a double-hashed form", but I didn't fully understand what stored implied after watching the video the first couple of times, but now (I think?) I understand that the sha256(sha256(raw_transaction)) is equivalent to the transaction ID that we're used to seeing when we view block info in the debug console.

It might be helpful to mention this in the video and video notes, just to make it even more clear that when the video and notes say "stored", it means this is how the transaction ID (which the blockchain uses to refer to raw transactions) is generated?

Thanks (hope that's helpful)!