udacity / blockchain-nanodegree-issues

Issues for Udacity's Blockchain Nanodegree program
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Typo in Blockchain Data -> Lesson 4: Blockchain Data -> 10. Raw Transaction Review #139

Closed liamseanbrady closed 5 years ago

liamseanbrady commented 5 years ago

"Transaction in the bitcoin blockchain are stored in a double-hashed form…" should be "Transactions in the bitcoin blockchain are stored in a double-hashed form…"

"This points back to the transaction containing the UTXO that will be spend in this input…" should be "This points back to the transaction containing the UTXO that will be spent in this input…". This typo appears twice on the page.

"The hash value of this UTXO is saved in a reverse ordered here." should be "The hash value of this UTXO is saved in a reverse order here.". This typo appears twice on the page.

"This is a deprecated feature of bitcoin Currently set to" should be "This is a deprecated feature of bitcoin currently set to". This typo appears twice on the page.

Link to page: https://classroom.udacity.com/nanodegrees/nd1309/parts/31b86083-85e4-43ae-b154-6905b461f2c1/modules/0af5bc78-b446-4b60-b9cd-8659536cd59f/lessons/970128bc-c405-4a22-8fed-d3f56d5dfac1/concepts/f3bedf30-8e9c-454a-ad87-49396ed0eafe


jperera84 commented 5 years ago

Fixed, thanks