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Lesson4: Long Short Term Memory Networks - 9. Use Gate - visual is incorrect #576

Open angelovila opened 6 years ago

angelovila commented 6 years ago

visual of output should be labeled Short Term MEmory, NOT Long Term memory

angelovila commented 6 years ago

link of video: https://classroom.udacity.com/nanodegrees/nd891/parts/65a05828-7dbd-4779-88f0-311da1bb1a48/modules/0b2b2185-02cb-4d06-9435-878b60d81cd1/lessons/a505d26a-bc50-42e2-8f69-7b9c904b11cc/concepts/0cf688e2-19b3-4e72-848a-49eeb90bd948

teacher states that output is Short term memory, but on the visual it is labeled as long term memory Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at 11.40.26 PM.png

moving along the video, the more detailed chart is labeled correctly as STM Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at 11.40.14 PM.png