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Unable to access shared folders in VM #1

Open Scott3377 opened 9 years ago

Scott3377 commented 9 years ago

After following instructions and spending several hours of trying to track down how to make shared folders work between the VM and my machine, I am unable to see the shared folders on the VM that are located inside my vagrant folder on my local machine. I am currently running Yosemite on my MBP, and my virtual box version is 4.3.22. I also tried installing the vagrant plugin "vagrant-vbguest" to no avail.

hexrain commented 9 years ago

Try this:

  1. open Terminal.app
  2. go to your vagrant directory(the one that contains Vagrantfile)
  3. execute vagrant up
  4. execute vagrant ssh
  5. execute cd /vagrant/tournament/
  6. execute ls

You should see something like

vagrant@vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-32:/vagrant/tournament$ ls
tournament.py  tournament.pyc  tournament.sql  tournament_test.py 
pmallory commented 9 years ago

This is a common hangup. In the near future The vagrant box's login message now includes a helpful hint, image

Sorry for the confusion!