Closed rdspring1 closed 7 years ago
There is a mistake in the python-pcl build. The constructor for the filter requires the input point cloud as an argument, but the python interface is not passing the argument.
Here is my fix: Summary: Remove the unnecessary argument and then reinstall python-pcl.
In pcl/pxi/Filters/StatisticalOutlierRemovalFilter_172.pxi
def __cinit__(self, PointCloud pc not None): = new pclfil.StatisticalOutlierRemoval_t()
(<cpp.PCLBase_t*> (pc.thisptr_shared)
def __cinit__(self): = new pclfil.StatisticalOutlierRemoval_t()
Repeat for all instance of the constructor in file
In pcl/pxi/PointCloud_PointXYZ_172.pxi Change
def make_statistical_outlier_filter(self):
# fil = StatisticalOutlierRemovalFilter()
# cdef pclfil.StatisticalOutlierRemoval_t *cfil = <pclfil.StatisticalOutlierRemoval_t *>
# cfil.setInputCloud(<cpp.shared_ptr[cpp.PointCloud[cpp.PointXYZ]]> self.thisptr_shared)
return StatisticalOutlierRemovalFilter(self)
def make_statistical_outlier_filter(self):
fil = StatisticalOutlierRemovalFilter()
cdef pclfil.StatisticalOutlierRemoval_t *cfil = <pclfil.StatisticalOutlierRemoval_t *>
cfil.setInputCloud(<cpp.shared_ptr[cpp.PointCloud[cpp.PointXYZ]]> self.thisptr_shared)
return fil
1) Delete pcl/_pcl_172.cpp It is auto-generated by cython. The build process skips this step if it is already present
Reinstall python-pcl
Thanks for debugging this! I've tested and confirmed that this fix works and pushed the change to the RoboND-Perception-Exercises repo.
outlier_filter = pcl_data.make_statistical_outlier_filter()
Error:TypeError: __cinit__() takes exactly 1 positional argument (0 given)