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Lesson 6 - Perception project - I don't see the gazebo world. #92

Closed thatting closed 7 years ago

thatting commented 7 years ago

In lesson 6.4 "Project Demo" .- Once Gazebo is up and running, I do not see following objects in the Gazebo world:

Table arrangement
Three target objects on the table
Dropboxes on either sides of the robot

Instead, I just see a simplifed picture of the PR2 with no detailed objects.

As instructed, I have removed the 'gazebo_grasp_plugin' directory from the RoboND-Perception-Project/ directory, but this does not seem to help.

I get this error message in the terminal:

[ERROR] [1501843718.270276770, 992.297000000]: "world" passed to lookupTransform argument target_frame does not exist.

(My configuration : VM = robond_5_22_17, 4 GB RAM, 4 Cores, Intel i7-7500U)

thatting commented 7 years ago

I have attached snapshot from Gazebo:

gzclient_camera-2017-08-04t04_07_12 960232

sahiljuneja commented 7 years ago

Hey. This usually happens when your GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH is not properly set in .bashrc. I suggest you double-check that.

thatting commented 7 years ago

Thanks. I got the project demo to work now :-)

I double-checked my .bashrc file and have made a few corrections. The objects load fine now (robot + table arrangement + target boxes + dropboxes).

a) I had placed line:

"source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash"

before line:

"export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=~/catkin_ws/src/RoboND-Perception-Project/pr2_robot/models"

I have rearranged these in opposite order.

b) Also, from lesson 6.4, I removed the last bit ("_:$GAZEBO_MODELPATH") from line:

export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=~/catkin_ws/src/RoboND-Perception-Project/pr2_robot/models:$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH

As it seemed unnecessary.

So, the demo works now :-)

sahiljuneja commented 7 years ago

That's awesome! Thanks for confirming. Good luck with the project! :)