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3.6 Conversion #111

Open tpike3 opened 7 years ago

tpike3 commented 7 years ago

Below is some code which converts email_preprocess in tools to python 3.x, hopes this helps. (Sorry unable to do a push)

import pickle import numpy

from sklearn import cross_validation from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectPercentile, f_classif

def preprocess(words_file = "../tools/word_data_unix.pkl", authors_file="../tools/email_authors.pkl"): """ this function takes a pre-made list of email texts (by default word_data.pkl) and the corresponding authors (by default email_authors.pkl) and performs a number of preprocessing steps: -- splits into training/testing sets (10% testing) -- vectorizes into tfidf matrix -- selects/keeps most helpful features

    after this, the feaures and labels are put into numpy arrays, which play nice with sklearn functions

    4 objects are returned:
        -- training/testing features
        -- training/testing labels

convert dos linefeeds (crlf) to unix (lf)
usage: dos2unix.py 
original = "../tools/word_data.pkl"
destination = "../tools/word_data_unix.pkl"

content = ''
outsize = 0
with open(original, 'rb') as infile:
    content = infile.read()
    with open(destination, 'wb') as output:
        for line in content.splitlines():
            outsize += len(line) + 1
            output.write(line + str.encode('\n'))

print("Done. Saved %s bytes." % (len(content)-outsize))

### the words (features) and authors (labels), already largely preprocessed
### this preprocessing will be repeated in the text learning mini-project
authors_file_handler = open(authors_file, "rb")
authors = pickle.load(authors_file_handler)

words_file_handler = open(words_file, "rb")
word_data = pickle.load(words_file_handler)

### test_size is the percentage of events assigned to the test set
### (remainder go into training)
features_train, features_test, labels_train, labels_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(word_data, authors, test_size=0.1, random_state=42)

### text vectorization--go from strings to lists of numbers
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(sublinear_tf=True, max_df=0.5,
features_train_transformed = vectorizer.fit_transform(features_train)
features_test_transformed  = vectorizer.transform(features_test)

### feature selection, because text is super high dimensional and 
### can be really computationally chewy as a result
selector = SelectPercentile(f_classif, percentile=10)
selector.fit(features_train_transformed, labels_train)
features_train_transformed = selector.transform(features_train_transformed).toarray()
features_test_transformed  = selector.transform(features_test_transformed).toarray()

### info on the data
print ("no. of Chris training emails:", sum(labels_train))
print ("no. of Sara training emails:", len(labels_train)-sum(labels_train))

return features_train_transformed, features_test_transformed, labels_train, labels_test
Dynamic-Gravity commented 7 years ago

Yeah, they really need to port this stuff to python3. I submitted a pull request for the setup file, but I have yet to comb through every file to fix the print syntax. Guess that should be the next todo.