After generating a new page, it automatically creates a file that has typos:
Under ### Route Parameters, it says "An paramaters that might be part of the route." - "An" should be "Any" and parameters is spelled wrong. It should be "Any parameters that might be part of the route."
The files for the following pages (in the app\src\pages folder) have the issue:
AboutPage, AdminDashboardPage, ArchivePage, CarouselWidgetPage, CmsEditorPage, LoginPage, LogoutPage, MeetupsPage, Memberspage, MentorshipPage, NotYetReadyPage, PublicUserProfilePage, ResetPasswordPage, SearchPage, SignupPage, SingleArticlePage, UserProfilePage, WriterDashboardPage
After generating a new page, it automatically creates a file that has typos: Under ### Route Parameters, it says "An paramaters that might be part of the route." - "An" should be "Any" and parameters is spelled wrong. It should be "Any parameters that might be part of the route."
The files for the following pages (in the app\src\pages folder) have the issue: AboutPage, AdminDashboardPage, ArchivePage, CarouselWidgetPage, CmsEditorPage, LoginPage, LogoutPage, MeetupsPage, Memberspage, MentorshipPage, NotYetReadyPage, PublicUserProfilePage, ResetPasswordPage, SearchPage, SignupPage, SingleArticlePage, UserProfilePage, WriterDashboardPage