I need to synchronize lidar and camera together to be able to detect distance of people and objects
when I run the code the camera detects that am moving but the lidar is far behind or delayed how can I make that camera and lidar moving on the same pace
% lidarFig = subplot(1, 2, 2); % Create subplot for lidar data
countinueStreaming = true;
while countinueStreaming
% Record the current timestamp before capturing the image
% Capture the image from the Jetson camera hardware.
I = snapshot(cam);
I need to synchronize lidar and camera together to be able to detect distance of people and objects when I run the code the camera detects that am moving but the lidar is far behind or delayed how can I make that camera and lidar moving on the same pace % lidarFig = subplot(1, 2, 2); % Create subplot for lidar data countinueStreaming = true;
while countinueStreaming % Record the current timestamp before capturing the image
% Capture the image from the Jetson camera hardware. I = snapshot(cam);
% Record the timestamp after capturing the image
% Call to detect method [bboxes, scores, labels] = detect(detector, I); personIndices = find(labels == 'person'); personBboxes = bboxes(personIndices, :);
% Convert categorical labels to cell array of character vectors labels = cellstr(labels);
% Annotate detections in the camera image. img = insertObjectAnnotation(I, 'rectangle', bboxes, labels);
% Display camera image imshow(img); hold on;
% Read data from Velodyne Lidar pc = read(lidar);
% Remove ground plane groundPtsIndex = segmentGroundFromLidarData(pc, 'ElevationAngleDelta', 0, ... 'InitialElevationAngle', 0); nonGroundPts = select(pc, ~groundPtsIndex); imPts = projectLidarPointsOnImage(pc, intrinsics, LidarToCam); scatter(imPts(:, 1), imPts(:, 2), 10, 'g', 'filled');
% Display lidar data % pcshow(nonGroundPts.Location, 'Parent', lidarFig);
if ~isempty(personIndices) for i = 1:numel(personIndices) index = personIndices(i); personBbox = bboxes(index, :);
else % Process lidar data for other objects [lidarBbox, ~, boxUsed] = bboxCameraToLidar(bboxes, nonGroundPts, intrinsics, ... camToLidar, 'ClusterThreshold', 2, 'MaxDetectionRange', [1, 10]); [distance, nearestRect, idx] = helperComputeDistance(bboxes, nonGroundPts, lidarBbox, ... intrinsics, LidarToCam);
hold off; end