udibr / headlines

Automatically generate headlines to short articles
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ValueError: too many values to unpack error while trying to pickle.load in vocabulary-embedding #14

Closed SUNILKUMARCHINNAMGARI closed 7 years ago

SUNILKUMARCHINNAMGARI commented 7 years ago

Hi udbir,

Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to you! I am trying to experiment with your code to reproduce the results. I created the dataset from DUC2003 dataset. I have two questions -

1) I see "descs is a list of all the article strings in the same order and length as heads" is an instruction on the readme page. Does it mean the number of words in the descs list should be same as the number of words in the heads of the corresponding record? For example : head has 7 words in row 1 title so I should restrict desc of row 1 to 7 words .... 10 words exist in row 2 title so I should restrict desc of row 2 to 10 words. Is my understanding correct in this regard.

2) I created the dataset as instructed : create list of all titles , created list of all article strings, created list of keywords (none). Created a tuple out of the three lists and then a pkl but when I try to load the pkl in vocabulary-embedding it resulted in ValueError: too many values to unpack error while trying to pickle.load

Here are the example tuples prior to creating a pkl -

[('Cashew shortage causes Vietnam to seek outside sources to continue processing', 'HANOI Vietnam AP Vietnam has floated the price of cashewsdue to a shortage of nuts to keep processing plants running anexecutive of the Vietnam Cashew Nuts Association said Friday Cashews have been trading at 8 000 dong to 10 000 dong 62 80cents per kilogram 2 2 pounds well up from the ceiling price of6 500 dong 50 cents set by the government the executive said The executive speaking on condition he not be identified saidforeign sellers have raised their offer for raw nuts to more thandlrs 700 per ton from dlrs 650 earlier He said the price has been pushed up because there aren t enoughcashews available to run the 60 nut processing plants which have acapacity of more than 200 000 tons per year Vietnam produced about 110 000 tons in the February May crop down from the average of 150 000 180 000 tons largely because ofthe country s worst drought in a century Cashews are planted only in southern Vietnam which wasparticularly parched Vietnam never has imported cashews for processing for re exportbut plans to import 30 000 tons this year to fill the shortfall Vietnam exported 33 000 processed cashew nuts last year fetching dlrs 133 million About 4 5 kilograms of raw cashews canproduce one kilogram 2 2 pounds of refined nuts The cashew association has 50 members', 'None'), ('Vietnam cashew production down shortage leads to price float', 'HANOI Vietnam AP Vietnam has floated the price of cashewsdue to a shortage of nuts to keep processing plants running anexecutive of the Vietnam Cashew Nuts Association said Friday Cashews have been trading at 8 000 dong to 10 000 dong 62 80cents per kilogram 2 2 pounds well up from the ceiling price of6 500 dong 50 cents set by the government the executive said The executive speaking on condition he not be identified saidforeign sellers have raised their offer for raw nuts to more thandlrs 700 per ton from dlrs 650 earlier He said the price has been pushed up because there aren t enoughcashews available to run the 60 nut processing plants which have acapacity of more than 200 000 tons per year Vietnam produced about 110 000 tons in the February May crop down from the average of 150 000 180 000 tons largely because ofthe country s worst drought in a century Cashews are planted only in southern Vietnam which wasparticularly parched Vietnam never has imported cashews for processing for re exportbut plans to import 30 000 tons this year to fill the shortfall Vietnam exported 33 000 processed cashew nuts last year fetching dlrs 133 million About 4 5 kilograms of raw cashews canproduce one kilogram 2 2 pounds of refined nuts The cashew association has 50 members', 'None')]

Any help here is grately appreciated. Thanks much in advance for your time and help!


SUNILKUMARCHINNAMGARI commented 7 years ago

This is sorted udbir, please ignore.