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Do we need to learn beam search for testing our model? #20

Closed ramtest55 closed 7 years ago

ramtest55 commented 7 years ago

As you mentioned for training we don't need to take into consideration beam search as we have (desc+headline). For testing, do we need to learn beam search?

training model input is (25 desc +25 headline words), what about testing because we have only (25 headline words and model input size if 50)?

Paper says about generate next word from given 25 word and feed to next layer. So we start for 26th input and will end on 50th word (25 word headline). For example, 28th word generation will take 0-27 words as input.

Are we using beam search to keep top k probable words into account for i th layer and try individual feeding this this to next layer i.e. i+1 th layer and select most probable candiadate?

ramtest55 commented 7 years ago

Yes, we need to learn beam search!