udoklein / dcf77

Noise resilient DCF77 decoder library for Arduino
GNU General Public License v3.0
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dcf77 library incompatible with 'Tone' command? #16

Closed mrohner closed 8 years ago

mrohner commented 8 years ago

Hi, In my dcf77 alarm clock scetch I use the following code: void sound_Alarm() { tone(ALARM, 2000); delay(50); noTone(ALARM); if (digitalRead(panic_Pin)) alarm = LOW; delay(50); }

The tone command though seems incompatible with the dcf77 library. I get this when I compile.Any idea. Thanks for your great work.

C:\Users\MARKUS~1\AppData\Local\Temp\build1c605204d1f6abd64fba3c74d60f8a93.tmp/core\core.a(Tone.cpp.o): In function `__vector_7':

C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\cores\arduino/Tone.cpp:539: multiple definition of `__vector_7'

C:\Users\MARKUS~1\AppData\Local\Temp\build1c605204d1f6abd64fba3c74d60f8a93.tmp\libraries\dcf77\dcf77.cpp.o:C:\Users\Markus Rohner\Documents\Arduino\libraries\dcf77/dcf77.cpp:2474: first defined here

collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Using library dcf77 in folder: C:\Users\Markus Rohner\Documents\Arduino\libraries\dcf77 (legacy) Using library Adafruit_NeoPixel in folder: C:\Users\Markus Rohner\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Adafruit_NeoPixel (legacy) Using library SimpleTimer in folder: C:\Users\Markus Rohner\Documents\Arduino\libraries\SimpleTimer (legacy) Using library EEPROM at version 2.0 in folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware\arduino\avr\libraries\EEPROM exit status 1 Error compiling.

udoklein commented 8 years ago

Both the tone library as well as my library try to hook ISR(TIMER2_COMPA_vect). Obviously only one of them can get the vector. Now you might want to ask for switching my library to another timer. However the Atmega 328 aka Arduino has only 3 timers which already are all in use. In my opinion timer 2 is the least hogged timer thus I chose this one for my library. With the Arduino Due I hook into systicks thus I do not mess with any of the timers. I am sorry but as the Arduino (Uno) timers are so crowded I have no better solution.

mrohner commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the explanation. Now I'm using the toneAC library instead which is using timer1 hence eliminating the conflict.