ue4plugins / LoadingScreen

A plugin for Unreal Engine 4 to expose simple controls for managing load screens.
MIT License
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Documentation Request: Movie Paths #1

Open thejustinwalsh opened 8 years ago

thejustinwalsh commented 8 years ago

What is expected to be in this field? For example I tried the following...

None of those seemed to be satisfactory for actually playing the movie. However, If I Open the Media Player asset that UE creates in the /Content/Movies directory the movie plays just fine within that editor window.

Additionally, what happens if you provide multiple movies in the Movie Paths Array?

Aside from that snafu, love the loading screen plugin so far! Thanks!

nickdarnell commented 8 years ago

Hmm, not sure actually. Just mapped a setting to it, haven't actually tried it with a movie. Will look into it though, thanks.

nickdarnell commented 8 years ago

btw - what platform are you trying it on? Also - the movies wont play on the loading screen in the editor if I recall, i don't think any loading screens are triggered in PIE.

thejustinwalsh commented 8 years ago

Testing on WIn64. It is correct that they will not run in PIE, Standalone Window or a client only build shows the loading screens (at least image base ones). When I start the game I see a black screen with a loading chevron for the duration of the first level loading up, instead of a movie.

Kenomica commented 8 years ago

I've found that the movie path just needs the name of a file (without the file type) - but it HAS to be in your Content/Movies folder.

So in your example, you would just put : "MyMovie"

Also, anything above 720p, 30fps does not work.

nickdarnell commented 8 years ago

As a note - I found out the movie portion of the loading screen system actually predates the media framework stuff, which is why it's a lot more funky. Would recommend sticking to static image loading screens for now to avoid a host of problems.

AngelTs commented 7 years ago

This plugin is great! In UE 4.12.5 after cook and pack movie work ok!

flufy3d commented 7 years ago

for example. if you have a video path: Content/Movies/text.mp4

you only should input the "text" is enough.

the movie must put in Movies folder