ueber-devel / ueberzug

Continuation of ueberzug
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pip error: `No matching distribution found for ueberzug` #20

Open h4r1337 opened 3 months ago

h4r1337 commented 3 months ago

Hey, I was trying to install ueberzug using pip but it showing this error:

$ pip install ueberzug

Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement ueberzug (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for ueberzug

does anyone know how to fix this?

Varun18122002 commented 3 months ago

same issue did you figure it out how to resolve it

Varun18122002 commented 3 months ago

Hey, I was trying to install ueberzug using pip but it showing this error:

$ pip install ueberzug

Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement ueberzug (from versions: none)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for ueberzug

does anyone know how to fix this?

Bro i fixed it using ueberzugpp this is alternative for the ueberzug and there are others like sixil , w3m and etc u can use those

jstkdng commented 2 months ago

weird, the ueberzug package is no longer on pypi. Do you know anything @eylles ?

Varun18122002 commented 2 months ago

weird, the ueberzug package is no longer on pypi. Do you anything @eylles ?

The owner of ueberzug has removed the repo for his own reasons so you have to go for alternatives

jstkdng commented 2 months ago

I know that, but i believe @eylles managed to reupload it to pypi , unless that never happened and I'm imagining things.

eylles commented 2 months ago

if i remember correctly i was trying to re-upload it to pypi but for whatever reason it didn't let me reserve the name at the time for whatever reason, perhaps it was too soon after seebye took it down, will look into it and report back, also there's quite a load of work i have planned for ueberzug but have not been able to do.

eylles commented 2 months ago

well, we'll have to wait.


jstkdng commented 2 months ago

shouldn't we have a shared pypi account?

eylles commented 2 months ago

Ideally very probably, tho iirc it was possible to assign upload permissions to more than one account altho i want to configure an action to upload directly on release.

hamzamohdzubair commented 2 months ago

3 weeks is a lot of time for nothing to have happened. I know guys at pypi might be busy. what can we do to get things moving?

jstkdng commented 2 months ago

Maybe send an email directly to them?

eylles commented 2 months ago

@hamzamohdzubair don't worry, it is frustrating to me too.


and knowing that there are PEP 541 tickets open since march 2023 doesn't help...


there isn't much to do, as per PEP 541 policy the pypi admins are probably trying to contact seebye and there is not a public amount of time for them to deem the original author unreachable, could be anything from a month to over a year...

so for now all i can do is now that #21 has been merged prepare a new bugfix release and try to set aside some time to work on #9 #13 #14 which are essentially the same issue as i want to move ueberzug to use meson as build system and the guy who tole me he could do that in a weekend never answered back even tho i wanted to pay him to do that... wasn't much but $20 is $20, which is as much as i can spare since i'm currently unemployed af

Maybe send an email directly to them?

@jstkdng i may try, for now i want to have the bugfix release out and then work towards something that will build with a simple python -m build

jstkdng commented 2 months ago

Damn, he missed a crisp $20 bill? His loss Edit, a new pypi package could be uploaded, maybe ueberzug-next or smth

eylles commented 2 months ago

maybe ueberzug-current or something like that, not sure really