Closed psteininger closed 7 years ago
I got my setup to work in a round-about way, which is suggested in:
def start(_type, _args) do
unless Mix.env == :prod do
Envy.auto_load!("config/config.exs") |> Mix.Config.persist
guardian_env = Application.get_env(:guardian, Guardian)
pem = System.get_env("AUTH0_PUBLIC_KEY") |> Kernel.||("") |> String.replace("\\n", "\n") |> JOSE.JWK.from_pem
new_guardian_env = guardian_env |> Keyword.put(:secret_key, pem)
Application.put_env(:guardian, Guardian, new_guardian_env)
import Supervisor.Spec
I hope this helps anyone trying to get things working with envy
and auth0
. I will try to blog about it next week and add a link here
I also wanted to add a note that with Auth0
the certificate for each account is publicly accessible, so committing the whole cert or even just the extracted public key would be quite OK.
Tackling something like this will be much easier with v1.0
Something like this should do the trick:
config :my_app, MyApp.Guardian.Auth0,
# ...
secret_key: {MyApp.Guardian.Auth0, :fetch_secret, []}
defmodule MyApp.Guardian.Auth0 do
use Guardian, otp_app: :my_app
def fetch_secret do
|> Kernel.||("")
|> String.replace("\\n", "\n")
|> JOSE.JWK.from_pem()
great to know @scrogson.
BTW, as I mentioned earlier. For Auth0 specifically, using RS256 algorithm, one can just use a certificate from file (in PEM format), and JOSE automatically extracts and uses the public key. So if could be even better:
def fetch_secret do
Hi, I am trying to get Guardian working with RS256 tokens issued by Auth0. With Auth0 and RS256 algo, the tokens are signed with a private key related to a certificate for the Account, and then verified with the public key inside the cert. I extracted the public key in PEM format and stored it in ENV var. This is exactly the setup that works for another app built with Ruby + Grape. In development env, I use envy to load env vars from
. My guardian setup is as follows:What I do for the secret is I load it from a PEM encoded string stored in
env var. I have to wrap it infn
, because the first time aroundAUTH0_PUBLIC_KEY
comes out empty. I did successfully verify a token like this:end got
are necessary redactionsCould someone point me in the right direction? I am just starting out with Elixir and Phoenix (after years of Ruby/Rails, Java, PHP, and other stuff).
Thanks in advance