Closed MeterSoft closed 6 years ago
I too am getting token errors. I have an RS256 token (generated by Auth0) which is happily accepted by but that Guardian refuses to process. When I tried generating an RS256 key (by setting allowed_algos: ["RS256"]
as @MeterSoft did above, Guardian responded with:
Interactive Elixir (1.6.4) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)
iex(1)> {:ok, t, fc} = Clockk.Guardian.encode_and_sign(%{name: "Paul", id: 1})
** (ErlangError) Erlang error: {:not_supported, [:RS256]}
(jose) src/jose_jwk_kty_oct.erl:191: :jose_jwk_kty_oct.jws_alg_to_digest_type/1
(jose) src/jose_jwk_kty_oct.erl:122: :jose_jwk_kty_oct.sign/3
(jose) src/jose_jws.erl:311: :jose_jws.sign/4
(jose) src/jose_jwt.erl:171: :jose_jwt.sign/3
(guardian) lib/guardian/token/jwt.ex:168: Guardian.Token.Jwt.create_token/3
(guardian) lib/guardian.ex:754: Guardian.returning_tuple/1
(guardian) lib/guardian.ex:581: Guardian.encode_and_sign/4
Could there be a bug here? Auth0 recommends using RS256 keys, but maybe I should use HS512, which Guardian accepts without complaint?
I just realized something: RS256 uses public keys, which explains why the secret key I have doesn't work... I need to use my Auth0 public key... I think. Maybe HS256/HS512 is the right approach...
As always happens, as soon as I start asking for help, I figure it out.
The problem above was how I was specifying the secret_key. It should be something more like:
config :clockk, Clockk.Guardian, allowed_algos: ["HS512"], issuer: "", secret_key: fn -> "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- certificate goes here. Ordinarily you would keep this in a file which you would load, but I'm putting it inline for simplicity. -----END CERTIFICATE----- " |> Kernel.||("") |> String.replace("\n", "\n") |> JOSE.JWT.from_pem end
With this secret_key
, things start to work. However, because of the argument in which points out that RSA keys are VERY slow and thus inappropriate for Bearer authorization, I'm switching to HS256 which works much more like what @MeterSoft above did.
So with that, I'm dropping my part of this issue, and I suggest that this is not an issue at all and should be closed.
@pauldoerwald thanks a lot for the research, I am happy that you figured it out.
@MeterSoft feel free to reopen it if you think this still an issue for you but please follow @pauldoerwald instructions first.
@yordis Spent the whole day on this and I was able to make it work for HS256 but as for me whatever I do RS256 algo never works !
I've verified EVERYTHING!! If my implementation was incorrect, I guess I would not even be able to make it work for HS256 either, so I guess something must be wrong
for the record I tried to create a token uising
email: userPK })
it failed with
Erlang error: {:not_supported, [:RS256]}
I confirm that I've correctly my public key in my config
config :messages, Messages.Authentication.Guardian,
secret_key_file: "public.pem",
verify_module: Guardian.JWT,
allowed_algos: ["RS256"]
Just to make sure my public and private keys were correct, I used another lib to check (yajwt)
The following works without any issue
privateKey =
publicKey =
jwt = JWT.sign(
email: userPK,
exp: DateTime.to_unix(DateTime.add(datetime, 3600, :minute)),
key: privateKey,
alg: "RS256"
JWT.verify(jwt, %{key: publicKey, alg: "RS256"})
I tried to decode RS256 access code but it returns error Olist.Guardian.decode_and_verify(token) {:error, :invalid_token}