ueberauth / guardian_db

Guardian DB integration for tracking tokens and ensuring logout cannot be replayed.
MIT License
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Do not fix ecto version #117

Closed dolfinus closed 3 years ago

dolfinus commented 3 years ago


I've tried to update dependencies of my project, but got this error:

* ecto (Hex package)
  the dependency ecto 3.4.5

  > In deps/guardian_db/mix.exs:
    {:ecto, "~> 3.0", [env: :prod, hex: "ecto", repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}

  does not match the requirement specified

  > In deps/ecto_sql/mix.exs:
    {:ecto, "~> 3.5.0", [env: :prod, hex: "ecto", repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}

Can you please replace ~> 3.0 with >= 3.0 for ecto and ecto_sql dependencies? Current deps specification is too strict.

Hanspagh commented 3 years ago

Hi @dolfinus

In elixir, ~> 3.0 translates to >= 3.0.0 and < 4.0.0, so I am not quite sure what is happening here https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Version.html

Which packages are you trying to install?

dolfinus commented 3 years ago

Sorry, my fault. The issue was caused by another package which was mentioned only in the end of log, and I've missed it.