ueberauth / ueberauth_facebook

Facebook OAuth2 Strategy for Überauth.
MIT License
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Cannot authenticate with client-initiated flow, fb signed request cookie is not read by ueberauth #41

Open yourtallness opened 6 years ago

yourtallness commented 6 years ago


While navigating to /auth/facebook works fine, I cannot make a client side flow work properly. The reason for preferring a client side flow is to authorize FB in a popup so that the user never leaves our site.

I have initialized the FB JS app with the app id and cookie set to true.

        appId      : appId,
        cookie     : true,
        xfbml      : true,
        version    : 'v2.12'

However in my case the failure callback is getting called on my auth controller because ueberath cannot find the code.

    def callback(%{assigns: %{ueberauth_failure: _fails}} = conn, _params) do
      |> put_flash(:error, "Failed to authenticate.")
      |> redirect(to: "/")

Line of code in current project

The issue is that ueberauth_facebook does not read the code from the fb signed request cookie in case it cannot find it in the params.

Omniauth extracts the authorization code from the cookie like this:

omniauth code that extracts code either from params or cookie

omniauth cookie parsing logic

The cookie value is Base64 encoded and signed with HMAC-SHA256.

Could this be done here as well to support the client-initiated flow?

Omniauth client side flow documentation

Thanks in advance,


yourtallness commented 6 years ago

I tried to pre-pend a Plug that would extract the code from the cookie and redirect to /auth/facebook/callback?code=.

defmodule MyAppWeb.Plugs.ParseFbsrCookie do
    import Plug.Conn

    require IEx

    def init(_params) do

    def call(conn, _params) do
        if conn.params["code"] == nil do
            fbsr = conn.cookies["fbsr_#{System.get_env("FACEBOOK_APP_ID")}"]
            if fbsr do
                [signature, encoded_payload] = String.split(fbsr, ".")
                # TODO: validate signature
                decoded_payload = Poison.decode!(Base.decode64!(encoded_payload))
                code = decoded_payload["code"]
                if code do
                    |> Phoenix.Controller.redirect(to: "#{conn.request_path}?code=#{code}")
                    |> halt()

However this still fails because the jssdk iniated flow does not specify a redirect_uri and there is a mismatch:

OAuth "Facebook Platform" "invalid_code" "Error validating verification code. Please make sure your redirect_uri is identical to the one you used in the OAuth dialog request"

Omniauth handles this by setting the request_uri to ''.

There is also the question of the state params.