ueberdosis / tiptap

The headless rich text editor framework for web artisans.
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[Bug]: Blockquote toggle shortcut not working #4005

Open yan-yanishevsky opened 1 year ago

yan-yanishevsky commented 1 year ago

Which packages did you experience the bug in?


What Tiptap version are you using?


What’s the bug you are facing?

Mod-Shift-b doesn't toggle the Blockquote, it toggles Bold mark instead. Tried on https://tiptap.dev/examples/default example

But It works if I disable Bold extension or if I extend Blockquote extension like this

const CustomBlockquote = Blockquote.extend({
  addKeyboardShortcuts() {
    return {
      'Mod-Shift-B': () => this.editor.commands.toggleBlockquote(),

What browser are you using?


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What did you expect to happen?

Blockquote keyboard shortcut should work

Anything to add? (optional)

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ashu12chi commented 1 year ago

The order of execution of keyboard shortcuts depends on the priority. Since currently pressing Ctrl+Shift+B will fall back to Ctrl+B if Ctrl+Shift+B has lower priority or can't be executed. (Ref: https://github.com/ueberdosis/tiptap/issues/4006)

The default priority of all extensions is 100. (Ref: https://tiptap.dev/guide/custom-extensions/#priority) To make this shortcut work, you can increase the priority of the blockquote extension to 101.

const CustomBlockquote = Blockquote.extend({
  priority: 101,
  addKeyboardShortcuts() {
    return {
      'Mod-Shift-B': () => this.editor.commands.toggleBlockquote(),
yan-yanishevsky commented 1 year ago

Hmm, I didn't know this also affects shortcuts. So I guess the problem is in StarterKit extension, where Blockquote goes before Bold extension (as I know the order in extensions array also affects the order of their execution). Not sure if it is intentional. Changing priority is also a solution, thanks