ueberdosis / tiptap

The headless rich text editor framework for web artisans.
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[Bug]: Content Loss when Switching Heading Levels using NodeView in Tiptap #4273

Open totorofly opened 1 year ago

totorofly commented 1 year ago

Which packages did you experience the bug in?


What Tiptap version are you using?


What’s the bug you are facing?

I am using Tiptap's NodeView capability to extend the heading NodeView. After adding the following:

import type { Editor } from "@tiptap/core";
import type { Level } from "@tiptap/extension-heading";
import TiptapHeading from "@tiptap/extension-heading";
import CommandButton from "../components/Commands/CommandButton.vue";
import {VueNodeViewRenderer} from "@tiptap/vue-3";
import NodeViewSideToolBar from "../components/NodeView/NodeViewSideToolBar.vue";

function mapLevelToIcon(level: any) {
    switch (level) {
        case 1:
            return { icon: "i-ri-h-1", title: "h1" };
        case 2:
            return { icon: "i-ri-h-2", title: "h2" };
        case 3:
            return { icon: "i-ri-h-3", title: "h3" };
        case 4:
            return { icon: "i-ri-h-4", title: "h4" };
        case 5:
            return { icon: "i-ri-h-5", title: "h5" };
        case 6:
            return { icon: "i-ri-h-6", title: "h6" };
            return { icon: "i-ri-text", title: "text" };

const Heading = TiptapHeading.extend({
    addOptions() {
        return {
                       }: {
                editor: Editor;
                t: (...args: any[]) => string;
                level: number;
                nodeViewProps: object;
            }) {
                return {
                    component: CommandButton,
                    componentProps: {
                        command: (level: Level) => {
                            if (level > 0) {
                                editor.commands.setHeading({ level: level });
                            } else {
                                (editor.commands as any).setParagraph(); 
                        isActive: ((level: number )=>{
                            if (nodeViewProps?.node) {
                                if (nodeViewProps.node.attrs.level){
                                    return nodeViewProps.node.type.name === "heading" && nodeViewProps.node.attrs.level === level;
                                } else {
                                    return level === 0;
                            let currentLevel = editor.getAttributes("heading").level;
                            if (currentLevel === undefined) {
                                currentLevel = 0;
                            return currentLevel === level;
                        icon: mapLevelToIcon(level).icon,
                        tooltip: mapLevelToIcon(level).title,
                        cmdPara: level,
            category: "heading",
            ary: [
                { level: 0, icon: "i-ri-text", title: "text" },
                { level: 1, icon: "i-ri-h-1", title: "1" },
                { level: 2, icon: "i-ri-h-2", title: "2" },
                { level: 3, icon: "i-ri-h-3", title: "3" },
                { level: 4, icon: "i-ri-h-4", title: "4" },
                { level: 5, icon: "i-ri-h-5", title: "5" },
                { level: 6, icon: "i-ri-h-6", title: "6" },
    addNodeView() {
        return VueNodeViewRenderer(NodeViewSideToolBar)

I encounter an issue where the content of the line being modified gets deleted each time editor.commands.setHeading({ level: level }) is invoked when switching between different heading levels (e.g., H1 to H2, H2 to H1). However, if I switch from a heading to a normal paragraph or vice versa using (editor.commands as any).setParagraph(), there's no problem.

This deletion operation seems to be recorded in the history because executing an undo operation via Tiptap's history extension requires two clicks to restore the content.

However, some additional peculiar behavior I noticed is:

When switching from a normal paragraph to H1, the content does not get lost. When switching from H1 to H2, the content gets lost. But then, when switching from H2 back to a normal paragraph, the content is automatically restored.

I suspect this issue might be related to how NodeView handles the saving and restoring of node content during type conversion, and might require a better way to handle node content in NodeView during update, destroy, or create methods. Any help or insights would be appreciated.

Here's the NodeViewSideToolBar component code:

        placement = 'left'
      <template #default>
            :class="{ 'hover-background': isHovered,'extended-mouse-area':true }"
            :style="{ textAlign: props.node.attrs.textAlign }"
      <template #content>
            placement = "left"
            :duration="[450, 250]"
            :onMount = "handleHoverStart"
            :onUntrigger = "handleHoverEnd"
          <template #default>
            <div  class="hover-container">
              <div v-if="isParagraph" style="display:flex;flex-direction: row;justify-content: center;hover:bg-gray-100">
                <div  :class="['i-ri-text','w-[20px]','h-[20px]','bg-black']"></div>
                <div  :class="['i-ri-draggable','w-[20px]','h-[20px]','bg-black']"></div>
              <div v-else-if="isHeading" style="display:flex;flex-direction: row;justify-content: center;hover:bg-gray-100">
                <div  :class="[`i-ri-h-${props.node.attrs.level}`,'w-[20px]','h-[20px]','bg-black']"></div>
                <div  :class="['i-ri-draggable','w-[20px]','h-[20px]','bg-black']"></div>
              <div v-else-if="isEmptyLine">
                <div  :class="['i-ri-add-line','w-[20px]','h-[20px]','bg-black']"></div>
              <div v-else>Other type: {{ props.node.type.name }}</div>
          <template #content>
                 style="border: 0px solid blue;padding: 0;"

<script setup lang="ts">
import { NodeViewContent, NodeViewWrapper, nodeViewProps } from '@tiptap/vue-3'
import {computed, ref, onMounted, onBeforeUnmount} from 'vue'
import SideToolBar from "../ToolBar/SideToolBar.vue";
const props = defineProps(nodeViewProps)
const isParagraph = computed(() => props.node.type.name === 'paragraph' && props.node.textContent.trim() !== '')
const isHeading = computed(() => props.node.type.name === 'heading')
const isEmptyLine = computed(() => props.node.textContent.trim() === '')
const posFrom = ref(null)
const handleMouseOver = () => {
  posFrom.value = props.getPos()
const isHovered = ref(false)
const elementTag = computed(() => isParagraph.value || isEmptyLine.value ? 'p' : `h${props.node.attrs.level}`)
const handleHoverStart = () => {
  isHovered.value = true
const handleHoverEnd = () => {
  isHovered.value = false
const tippyInstance = ref(null)

onMounted(() => {
  document.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown, true);

const handleKeyDown = () => {
onBeforeUnmount( () => {
  document.removeEventListener('keydown', handleKeyDown, true);

<style scoped>
.extended-mouse-area::before {
  content: '';
  width: 10%;  /* or however much you want to extend */
  height: 100%;
  position: absolute;
  left: -10%;  /* adjust this to match the width */
  pointer-events: auto;  /* make the pseudo-element receive mouse events */

.hover-container {
  border: 1px solid gainsboro;
  padding: 0;
  border-radius: 5px;
  padding: 3px 3px;
  cursor: pointer;
  transition: background-color 0.3s;

.hover-container:hover {
  background-color: #f0f0f0;

.hover-background {
  --un-bg-opacity: 1;
  background-color: rgba(239,246,255,var(--un-bg-opacity));

Please let me know if there's anything I'm doing wrong or if there's a workaround or solution for this issue.

What browser are you using?


Code example

No response

What did you expect to happen?

I expected the content of the headings to persist when changing the heading level, whether from H1 to H2, H2 to H1, or from a heading to a normal paragraph and vice versa. No content should be lost during these transitions. Also, the history of operations should accurately reflect the actions performed by the user without any extraneous steps.

In summary, the expected behavior is for the editor.commands.setHeading({ level: level }) command to simply change the heading level while preserving the existing content within the heading.

Anything to add? (optional)

No response

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rajeshkdev commented 9 months ago

Can you please share if any update on this?

We are also facing similar issue with Undo/History.

If the Heading Tag involved in the selection along with more than 4-6 paragraphs, the Undo takes more clicks to get the content back. This creates the illusion that content is lost. Also noted that if there are More heading tag it take those many undo clicks (But the selection involves as i mentioned above only)