ueberdosis / tiptap

The headless rich text editor framework for web artisans.
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[Bug]: NodePos.pos different from actual PM pos #5672

Open rChaoz opened 3 days ago

rChaoz commented 3 days ago

Affected Packages




Bug Description

The value in NodePos seems to be different than the "real" ProseMirror pos (larger by 1).

Browser Used


Code Example URL


Expected Behavior

The positions are equal

Additional Context (Optional)

TipTap pos is 1 larger than actual PM pos

Dependency Updates

marczi commented 3 days ago

We also experienced the same bug, but create our own layer as a workaround. It tries to mimics NodePos, but uses a logic that matches with PM's pos values. If our code helps in any way, feel free to use it:

import { Editor } from "@tiptap/core";
import { Node, ResolvedPos } from "@tiptap/pm/model";
import { Transaction } from "@tiptap/pm/state";

class Selector
    private typeName?: string;
    private attributeKey?: string;
    private attributeValue?: string;

    constructor(selector: string)
        selector = selector.trim();
        const pAttr = selector.indexOf('[');
        if (pAttr >= 0 && selector.endsWith(']')) {
            const attr = selector.substring(pAttr + 1, selector.length - 1).trim();
            selector = selector.substring(0, pAttr).trim();
            const pAttrValue = attr.indexOf('=');
            if (pAttrValue >= 0) {
                this.attributeKey = attr.substring(0, pAttrValue).trim();
                this.attributeValue = attr.substring(pAttrValue + 1).trim();
            else {
                this.attributeKey = attr.trim();

        if (selector.length > 0) {
            this.typeName = selector;

    public matches(node: Node): boolean
        if (this.typeName && node.type.name !== this.typeName) {
            return false;
        if (this.attributeKey) {
            if (this.attributeValue) {
                return node.attrs[this.attributeKey] === this.attributeValue;
            return this.attributeKey in node.attrs;
        return true;

export class ResolvedNodePos
    public static readonly DOC_POS = -1;

    private readonly editor: Editor;
    public readonly node: Node | null = null;
    public readonly pos: number;

    public static atRoot(editor: Editor): ResolvedNodePos
        return new ResolvedNodePos(editor, ResolvedNodePos.DOC_POS);

    public static atCursor(editor: Editor): ResolvedNodePos
        return new ResolvedNodePos(editor, editor.state.selection.from);

    public static at(editor: Editor, pos: number): ResolvedNodePos
        return new ResolvedNodePos(editor, pos);

    private constructor(editor: Editor, pos: number, node?: Node)
        this.editor = editor;
        this.pos = pos;
        if (node) {
            this.node = node;
        else {
            this.node = pos === ResolvedNodePos.DOC_POS ? editor.state.doc : editor.state.doc.nodeAt(pos);
            // If we are not directly at the node, we need to resolve it
            if (this.node === null) {
                this.node = editor.state.doc.resolve(pos).node();

    public get size(): number
        return this.node ? this.node.nodeSize : 0;

    public get to()
        return this.pos + this.size;

    public get empty(): boolean
        return this.node === null
            || (this.node.isBlock && this.node.nodeSize === 2)
            || this.node.nodeSize === 0;

    public closest(selector: string): ResolvedNodePos | undefined
        const sel = new Selector(selector);
        const doc = this.editor.state.doc;
        let pos = this.pos >= 0 ? this.pos : 0;

        let resolvedPos: ResolvedPos = doc.resolve(pos);
        let checkParent = true;
        while (checkParent) {
            const node = doc.nodeAt(pos);
            if (node && sel.matches(node)) {
                return new ResolvedNodePos(this.editor, pos, node);

            if (resolvedPos.depth > 0) {
                pos = resolvedPos.before();
                resolvedPos = doc.resolve(pos);
            else {
                checkParent = false;
        return undefined;

    public querySelector(selector: string): ResolvedNodePos | undefined
        let result: ResolvedNodePos | undefined = undefined;
        const sel = new Selector(selector);

        const startNode = this.pos === -1 ? this.editor.state.doc : this.node;

        startNode?.descendants((descendantNode, offset) => {
            if (result !== undefined) {
                return false; // Stop the search
            if (sel.matches(descendantNode)) {
                result = new ResolvedNodePos(this.editor, this.pos + offset + 1, descendantNode);
                return false; // Stop the search
            return true;

        return result;

    private addMeta(tr: Transaction, meta?: Record<string, any>): void
        if (meta) {
            Object.keys(meta).forEach(key => {
                tr.setMeta(key, meta[key]);

    public getAttribute(attributeKey: string): string | undefined
        return this.node ? this.node.attrs[attributeKey] : undefined;

    public setAttribute(attributeKey: string, attributeValue: any, meta?: Record<string, any>): void
        if (this.node) {
            const tr = this.editor.state.tr;
            this.addMeta(tr, meta);
            tr.setNodeAttribute(this.pos, attributeKey, attributeValue);

    public setAttributes(editor: Editor, pos: number, attributes: Record<string, any>, meta?: Record<string, any>): void
        if (this.node) {
            const tr = this.editor.state.tr;
            this.addMeta(tr, meta);
            Object.keys(attributes).forEach(key => {
                tr.setNodeAttribute(pos, key, attributes[key]);