Open rezmeplxrf opened 7 months ago
Yeah I think it'll be good to use an option to enable/disable the navigation mode.
The main reason I want to install the package is just to capture a screen from which an error occurs. So I want to disable the navigation mode if possible!
me too I need this option
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. When users navigate to another screen while being in Feedback mode, we lose the context and thus can not use any function that uses the context.
BetterFeedback.of(context).show((feedback) async { if (feedback.text.isNotEmpty) { if (context.mounted){ await feedback: feedback.text, screenshot: feedback.screenshot).future. // this will not be executed if user navigate during feedback mode. if we remove context.mounted then app will throw error. );} EasyLoading.showSuccess('Thanks for the feedback!'); } });
Describe the solution you'd like allow option to disable navigation during feedback widget is open