We have had a variety of GNC issues on SubjuGator where it is difficult to isolate the problem. Having a simulator which simulates all of the parts of these systems besides the hardware would eliminate certain problems and allow changes to be tested (even automatically)
Create a simulator similar to NaviGator's 2d sim (but 3d, obviously) which listen to thruster force messages, simulates the state information of SubjuGator, and publishes odometry.
We have had a variety of GNC issues on SubjuGator where it is difficult to isolate the problem. Having a simulator which simulates all of the parts of these systems besides the hardware would eliminate certain problems and allow changes to be tested (even automatically)
Create a simulator similar to NaviGator's 2d sim (but 3d, obviously) which listen to thruster force messages, simulates the state information of SubjuGator, and publishes odometry.