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Monorepo of the Machine Intelligence Lab at the University of Florida
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Noetic with Alabaster #348

Closed alexperez33 closed 2 years ago

alexperez33 commented 3 years ago

Noetic with Alabaster

For a quick link to the Python 2 β†’ 3 Migration Table, please click here.

The Noetic with Alabaster project is a team subproject primarily dedicating to updating all team systems to use ROS Noetic instead of ROS Melodic. Furthermore, the project is also adding extensive documentation on team systems to make it much easier for new and old members to get acquainted with systems they have never touched. This is being done to improve the developer experience and the speed at which projects can be completed.

The project leader is @cbrxyz. The project completion date is scheduled for August 2022, the start of the Fall 2022 semester. At this point, all new and old members will be asked to update their operating system to Ubuntu 20.

If you want to help out, please let the project lead, Cameron, know! She would love to help you get setup!

For more information about the migration, please see some of the links below.


cbrxyz commented 2 years ago

Just a word of caution about search: Powerful tool, but search .py will also pick up .pyc files, and a few scripts with py in their name.

You may want to use search '^.*\.py$' instead!

$ search .py | wc -l
$ search '^.*\.py$' | wc -l

Also, helpful link with info about the differences between Python 2 and 3 to complement the link Alex sent above: https://portingguide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html

cbrxyz commented 2 years ago

🐍 Python 2 β†’ 3 Migration Plan

Below is a comprehensive list of packages that need to be migrated from Python 2 to Python 3, separated by system. Issues should be made for each package that needs to be converted, with a reference to such issue here!

To avoid having our inboxes and issue page flooded with new issues, only a few issues relevant to this project will be made at any one time!

Helpful Tools

Here are a collection of tools that can be used to assist in the migration process:

Navigator (30 packages)

Migrated Documented Package
βœ… (#389) ❌ NaviGator/gnc/navigator_msg_multiplexer
βœ… (#390) ❌ NaviGator/gnc/navigator_thrust_mapper
βœ… (#409) βœ… (#516) NaviGator/gnc/navigator_path_planner
βœ… (#408) ❌ NaviGator/gnc/navigator_controller
βœ… (#410) ❌ NaviGator/hardware_drivers/navigator_kill_board
βœ… (#411) ❌ NaviGator/mission_control/navigator_alarm
βœ… βœ… NaviGator/mission_control/navigator_launch
βœ… (#418) ❌ NaviGator/mission_control/navigator_missions
❎ ❎ NaviGator/mission_systems/navigator_scan_the_code (#733)
βœ… (#734) ❌ (#739) NaviGator/perception/navigator_vision
❎ ❌ NaviGator/satellite/rviz_satellite
❎ ❎ NaviGator/simulation/VRX/vrx/usv_gazebo_plugins (OSRF code)
❎ ❎ NaviGator/simulation/VRX/vrx/usv_msgs (OSRF code)
❎ ❎ NaviGator/simulation/VRX/vrx/vrx_gazebo (OSRF code)
❎ ❎ NaviGator/simulation/VRX/vrx/wamv_description (OSRF code)
❎ ❎ NaviGator/simulation/VRX/vrx/wamv_gazebo (OSRF code)
❎ ❎ NaviGator/simulation/VRX/vrx/wave_gazebo (OSRF code)
βœ… (#383) ❌ NaviGator/simulation/navigator_2dsim
βœ… (#735) ❌ (#740) NaviGator/simulation/navigator_gazebo
βœ… (#736) ❌ (#741) NaviGator/test/navigator_test
βœ… (#520) βœ… (#522) NaviGator/utils/navigator_battery_monitor
βœ… (#698, #707) ❌ (#702) NaviGator/utils/navigator_gui
❎ ❌ NaviGator/utils/navigator_judgepanel
βœ… (#519) βœ… (#521) NaviGator/utils/navigator_msgs
βœ… (#648, #654) βœ… (#650, #654) NaviGator/utils/navigator_robotx_comms
βœ… (#737) ❌ (#742) NaviGator/utils/navigator_tools
βœ… (#699, #706) ❌ (#703) NaviGator/utils/remote_control/navigator_emergency_control
βœ… (#700, #705) βœ… (#704, #705) NaviGator/utils/remote_control/navigator_joystick_control
βœ… (#434) βœ… (#457) NaviGator/utils/remote_control/navigator_keyboard_control
βœ… (#697, #714) ❌ (#701) NaviGator/utils/voltage_gui

Subjugator (15 packages)

Migrated Documented Package
βœ… (#567, #570) βœ… (#568, #570) SubjuGator/command/sub8_alarm
βœ… (#572, #580) ❎ (#576) SubjuGator/command/sub8_launch
βœ… (#573) ❌ (#577) SubjuGator/command/sub8_missions
βœ… (#574, #582) βœ… (#578, #582) SubjuGator/drivers/sub8_actuator_board
βœ… (#575, #624) βœ… (#579, #624) SubjuGator/drivers/sub8_thrust_and_kill_board
βœ… (#625, #640) βœ… (#630, #640) SubjuGator/perception/sub8_perception
βœ… (#626, #642) βœ… (#631, #642) SubjuGator/perception/sub8_pointcloud
βœ… (#627, #644) βœ… (#632, #644) SubjuGator/simulation/sub8_gazebo
βœ… (#628) ❌ (#633) SubjuGator/simulation/sub8_simulation
βœ… (#629) ❌ (#634) SubjuGator/utils/sub8_diagnostics
❎ ❌ SubjuGator/gnc/c3_trajectory_generator
βœ… (#715) βœ… (#716) SubjuGator/gnc/rise_6dof
βœ… (#717) ❌ (#718) SubjuGator/gnc/sub8_controller
βœ… (#719) βœ… (#720) SubjuGator/gnc/sub8_system_id
βœ… (#721) ❌ (#722) SubjuGator/gnc/sub8_thruster_mapper

mil_common (15 packages)

Migrated Documented Package
βœ… (#665, #673) βœ… (#668, #673) mil_common/drivers/mil_pneumatic_actuator
βœ… (#666, #676) βœ… (#669, #676) mil_common/drivers/sabertooth2x12
βœ… (#501, #541) βœ… (#500, #541) mil_common/drivers/mil_passive_sonar
βœ… (#458) ❌ (#515) mil_common/drivers/mil_usb_to_can
❎ ❌ mil_common/gnc/odometry_utils
βœ… (#667, #677) βœ… (#670, #677) mil_common/gnc/rawgps_common
❌ (#532) ❌ (#533) mil_common/gnc/mil_bounds
❌ ❌ mil_common/mil_missions
❎ ❎ mil_common/perception/mil_mlp (Deprecated)
βœ… (#459, #615) βœ… (#615) mil_common/perception/mil_vision
βœ… (#502) βœ… (#499) mil_common/ros_alarms
βœ… (#433) ❌ Submodule: mil_common/txros
βœ… (#534, #555) βœ… (#535, #619) mil_common/utils/mil_poi
βœ… (#478) βœ… (#442) mil_common/utils/mil_tools
cbrxyz commented 2 years ago

This issue is finally closed. Thank you to all who helped out with this project, we could not have done it without you.