ufal / treex

Treex NLP framework
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check CR in Czech and try to enhance it #36

Open michnov opened 8 years ago

michnov commented 8 years ago


Check why the first Czech dropped pronoun in 3rd person (created by mistake) is labelled as non-anaphoric. Check if the attribute 'aux_gram/gender' is correctly used in CR.

michnov commented 8 years ago

aux_gram/gender - it is set only for dropped subjects multi_gram/gender - set for all semantic nouns Coref::CS::SetMultiGender


there is a bug in generating coreference features for the anaphor: c_anaphgen* do not comply with c_anaph_gen

michnov commented 8 years ago

Changes made in the gram_gender_multivalue branch. So far (commit 1e8413e5b276184c2055324167264b260b85a5d7), the following has been done: