ufrisk / MemProcFS

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Please add -V or -version option #274

Closed kaarposoft closed 3 months ago

kaarposoft commented 3 months ago

It would be useful, if MemProcFs had an option to show the installed version. This could be -V or -version. Many Linux programs have such an option.

ufrisk commented 3 months ago

It's a good feature. In theory at least. MemProcFS is dependent on a few different libraries with their own versions. I come to think of three important onces.

MemProcFS itself. LeechCore (physical memory acquisition). FPGA device firmware version (if using PCILeech PCIe DMA backend, otherwise it's not interesting). info.db (cached symbols and built-in yara rules, last update / age would be important here).

I'm not sure if I should list all these versions or just the version of MemProcFS itself. Any ideas? Please let me know and I'll look into it.

As a side note, if using this via the API this information would be available via API calls already.

kaarposoft commented 3 months ago

Maybe a -V option to just show MemProcFs version and a -VV option which show MemProcFs version plus the other points you mention?

ufrisk commented 3 months ago

I added the option -version to the new version.

It will print the version of vmm.dll/so which is the main analysis library. If this option is given no guide will be printed if not enough other options are given for a proper start-up.

Can you verify this is indeed working as intended?

kaarposoft commented 3 months ago

Thank you very much - the stdout now looks exactly as expected. However, the return code from the process is 1, where I would have expected 0.