ufrisk / pcileech-fpga

FPGA modules used together with the PCILeech Direct Memory Access (DMA) Attack Software
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Hi can you send out a version that supports kc705, I really need your help. #115

Closed uk0 closed 1 month ago

ufrisk commented 1 year ago


Like I mentioned before I don't have a KC705 at hand. I'm also really really hesitant in creating a firmware for a device I won't be able to test it on. Worst case if it's not working out-of-the-box I'll be sitting with endless support questions eating up whatever little time I might have. Thanks for understanding.

If you study the AC701 project you may be able to pull it off yourself though. Changes should hopefully be mostly around editing the constaints file with the new pins.

uk0 commented 1 year ago

I modified the constaints and re-modified the voltage 2.5-> 1.8, passed the compilation, and generated the bin flash successfully, but it cannot be started. Now I guess what should be the cause of the reset.

ufrisk commented 1 year ago

It's just very hard for me to tell what's wrong remotely without having my own KC705 to test on :(

You'll have to try to do some debugging to see what may be causing the issues.

FreshPizza commented 1 year ago

I was curious so I ended up implementing this for a KC705 I had available. There's several revisions of the board. I have the 1.1/1.2 revision, and some of these boards may have different QSPI ICs (so flashing may fail, but it should print the detected part on the board).

I also couldn't quite get 4.11 working on the KC705 or AC701 either, not sure why, but didn't feel like troubleshooting that so I just used version 4.10

Dump (top is HPC, bottom is LPC - identical perf as expected) image

DIP switch for SPI:


Memory Configuration Device (again, you may have a different device on your board): mt25ql128-spi-x1_x2_x4

XDC for pcileech-FPGA 4.11

####  HPC definition, default FMC connector  ####

set_property PACKAGE_PIN C30 [get_ports ft601_rst_n]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN C25 [get_ports ft601_oe_n]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B25 [get_ports ft601_rd_n]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E29 [get_ports ft601_wr_n]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E28 [get_ports ft601_rxf_n]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN D28 [get_ports ft601_txe_n]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E30 [get_ports ft601_siwu_n]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B24 [get_ports {ft601_be[0]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN C24 [get_ports {ft601_be[1]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN A30 [get_ports {ft601_be[2]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B30 [get_ports {ft601_be[3]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN C21 [get_ports {ft601_data[0]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN H22 [get_ports {ft601_data[1]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN D21 [get_ports {ft601_data[2]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN H21 [get_ports {ft601_data[3]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN C22 [get_ports {ft601_data[4]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN F22 [get_ports {ft601_data[5]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN D22 [get_ports {ft601_data[6]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN G22 [get_ports {ft601_data[7]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN C16 [get_ports {ft601_data[8]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B17 [get_ports {ft601_data[9]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN D16 [get_ports {ft601_data[10]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN C17 [get_ports {ft601_data[11]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN A17 [get_ports {ft601_data[12]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN F17 [get_ports {ft601_data[13]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN A16 [get_ports {ft601_data[14]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN G17 [get_ports {ft601_data[15]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B19 [get_ports {ft601_data[16]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN A18 [get_ports {ft601_data[17]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN C19 [get_ports {ft601_data[18]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B18 [get_ports {ft601_data[19]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN A21 [get_ports {ft601_data[20]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B20 [get_ports {ft601_data[21]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN A20 [get_ports {ft601_data[22]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN C20 [get_ports {ft601_data[23]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN A22 [get_ports {ft601_data[24]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN B22 [get_ports {ft601_data[25]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN F18 [get_ports {ft601_data[26]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN G18 [get_ports {ft601_data[27]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN D19 [get_ports {ft601_data[28]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E19 [get_ports {ft601_data[29]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN E20 [get_ports {ft601_data[30]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN F20 [get_ports {ft601_data[31]}]
# FT601 CLK -- FMC_HPC_LA18_CC_P
set_property PACKAGE_PIN F21 [get_ports ft601_clk]

####  LPC definition in case someone wants this  ####
####  Uncomment below and comment above to use   ####

#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE24 [get_ports ft601_rd_n]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD23 [get_ports ft601_oe_n]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH25 [get_ports ft601_txe_n]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG25 [get_ports ft601_rxf_n]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ23 [get_ports ft601_siwu_n]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ22 [get_ports ft601_wr_n]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK24 [get_ports {ft601_be[2]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK23 [get_ports {ft601_be[3]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK25 [get_ports ft601_rst_n]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD24 [get_ports {ft601_be[0]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC24 [get_ports {ft601_be[1]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC27 [get_ports {ft601_data[30]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB27 [get_ports {ft601_data[31]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK26 [get_ports {ft601_data[26]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ26 [get_ports {ft601_data[27]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF27 [get_ports {ft601_data[28]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF26 [get_ports {ft601_data[29]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG28 [get_ports {ft601_data[20]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG27 [get_ports {ft601_data[22]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK28 [get_ports {ft601_data[21]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ27 [get_ports {ft601_data[23]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH27 [get_ports {ft601_data[24]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH26 [get_ports {ft601_data[25]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AH30 [get_ports {ft601_data[12]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AG30 [get_ports {ft601_data[14]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD26 [get_ports {ft601_data[13]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC26 [get_ports {ft601_data[15]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK30 [get_ports {ft601_data[17]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AK29 [get_ports {ft601_data[19]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ29 [get_ports {ft601_data[16]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AJ28 [get_ports {ft601_data[18]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF30 [get_ports {ft601_data[8]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE30 [get_ports {ft601_data[10]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AF28 [get_ports {ft601_data[9]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE28 [get_ports {ft601_data[11]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB30 [get_ports {ft601_data[4]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB29 [get_ports {ft601_data[6]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AE29 [get_ports {ft601_data[5]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD29 [get_ports {ft601_data[7]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA30 [get_ports {ft601_data[0]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y30 [get_ports {ft601_data[2]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC30 [get_ports {ft601_data[1]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC29 [get_ports {ft601_data[3]}]
## FT601 CLK -- FMC_LPC_LA18_CC_P
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD27 [get_ports ft601_clk]

set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports {ft601_txe_n ft601_rxf_n}]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports {{ft601_be[*]} {ft601_data[*]}}]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports {ft601_wr_n ft601_rd_n ft601_oe_n ft601_siwu_n ft601_rst_n}]
set_property SLEW FAST [get_ports {{ft601_be[*]} {ft601_data[*]}}]
set_property SLEW FAST [get_ports {ft601_wr_n ft601_rd_n ft601_oe_n ft601_siwu_n ft601_rst_n}]

set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB8 [get_ports gpio_led[0]]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS15 [get_ports gpio_led[0]]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA8 [get_ports gpio_led[1]]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS15 [get_ports gpio_led[1]]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AC9 [get_ports gpio_led[2]]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS15 [get_ports gpio_led[2]]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA12 [get_ports gpio_sw_north]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS15 [get_ports gpio_sw_north]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AB12 [get_ports gpio_sw_south]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS15 [get_ports gpio_sw_south]

set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD12 [get_ports sysclk_p]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN AD11 [get_ports sysclk_n]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVDS [get_ports sysclk_p]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVDS [get_ports sysclk_n]

set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports ft601_clk]
create_clock -period 10.000 -name net_ft601_clk -waveform {0.000 5.000} [get_ports ft601_clk]

set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks net_ft601_clk] -min 6.5 [get_ports {ft601_data[*]}]
set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks net_ft601_clk] -max 7.0 [get_ports {ft601_data[*]}]
set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks net_ft601_clk] -min 6.5 [get_ports ft601_rxf_n]
set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks net_ft601_clk] -max 7.0 [get_ports ft601_rxf_n]
set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks net_ft601_clk] -min 6.5 [get_ports ft601_txe_n]
set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks net_ft601_clk] -max 7.0 [get_ports ft601_txe_n]

set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks net_ft601_clk] -max 1.0 [get_ports {ft601_wr_n ft601_rd_n ft601_oe_n}]
set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks net_ft601_clk] -min 4.8 [get_ports {ft601_wr_n ft601_rd_n ft601_oe_n}]
set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks net_ft601_clk] -max 1.0 [get_ports {{ft601_be[*]} {ft601_data[*]}}]
set_output_delay -clock [get_clocks net_ft601_clk] -min 4.8 [get_ports {{ft601_be[*]} {ft601_data[*]}}]

set_property IOB TRUE [get_cells i_pcileech_com/i_pcileech_ft601/FT601_OE_N_reg]
set_property IOB TRUE [get_cells i_pcileech_com/i_pcileech_ft601/FT601_RD_N_reg]
set_property IOB TRUE [get_cells i_pcileech_com/i_pcileech_ft601/FT601_WR_N_reg]
set_property IOB TRUE [get_cells i_pcileech_com/i_pcileech_ft601/FT601_DATA_OUT_reg[0][*]]

set_multicycle_path 2 -from [get_pins i_pcileech_com/i_pcileech_ft601/OE_reg/C] -to [get_ports {{ft601_be[*]} {ft601_data[*]}}]
set_false_path -from [get_pins {tickcount64_reg[*]/C}]
set_false_path -from [get_pins {i_pcileech_fifo/_pcie_core_config_reg[*]/C}]
set_false_path -from [get_pins i_pcileech_pcie_a7/i_pcie_7x_0/inst/inst/user_lnk_up_int_reg/C] -to [get_pins {i_pcileech_fifo/_cmd_tx_din_reg[16]/D}]
set_false_path -from [get_pins i_pcileech_pcie_a7/i_pcie_7x_0/inst/inst/user_reset_out_reg/C]

#PCIe signals
set_property PACKAGE_PIN G25 [get_ports pcie_perst_n]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN F23 [get_ports pcie_wake_n]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports pcie_perst_n]
set_property IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18 [get_ports pcie_wake_n]

set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y7 [get_cells {i_pcileech_pcie_a7/i_pcie_7x_0/inst/inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[0].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN L4 [get_ports {pcie_tx_p[0]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN M6 [get_ports {pcie_rx_p[0]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN L3 [get_ports {pcie_tx_n[0]}]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN M5 [get_ports {pcie_rx_n[0]}]

#set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y6 [get_cells {i_pcileech_pcie_a7/i_pcie_7x_0/inst/inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[1].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN M2 [get_ports {pcie_tx_p[1]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN P6 [get_ports {pcie_rx_p[1]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN M1 [get_ports {pcie_tx_n[1]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN P5 [get_ports {pcie_rx_n[1]}]

#set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y5 [get_cells {i_pcileech_pcie_a7/i_pcie_7x_0/inst/inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[2].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN N4 [get_ports {pcie_tx_p[2]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN R4 [get_ports {pcie_rx_p[2]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN N3 [get_ports {pcie_tx_n[2]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN R3 [get_ports {pcie_rx_n[2]}]

#set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y4 [get_cells {i_pcileech_pcie_a7/i_pcie_7x_0/inst/inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[3].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN P2 [get_ports {pcie_tx_p[3]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN T6 [get_ports {pcie_rx_p[3]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN P1 [get_ports {pcie_tx_n[3]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN T5 [get_ports {pcie_rx_n[3]}]

#set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y3 [get_cells {i_pcileech_pcie_a7/i_pcie_7x_0/inst/inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[4].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN T2 [get_ports {pcie_tx_p[4]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN V6 [get_ports {pcie_rx_p[4]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN T1 [get_ports {pcie_tx_n[4]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN V5 [get_ports {pcie_rx_n[4]}]

#set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y2 [get_cells {i_pcileech_pcie_a7/i_pcie_7x_0/inst/inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[5].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN U4 [get_ports {pcie_tx_p[5]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN W4 [get_ports {pcie_rx_p[5]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN U3 [get_ports {pcie_tx_n[5]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN W3 [get_ports {pcie_rx_n[5]}]

#set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y1 [get_cells {i_pcileech_pcie_a7/i_pcie_7x_0/inst/inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[6].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN V2 [get_ports {pcie_tx_p[6]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y6 [get_ports {pcie_rx_p[6]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN V1 [get_ports {pcie_tx_n[6]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y2 [get_ports {pcie_rx_n[6]}]

#set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y0 [get_cells {i_pcileech_pcie_a7/i_pcie_7x_0/inst/inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[7].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y2 [get_ports {pcie_tx_p[7]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA4 [get_ports {pcie_rx_p[7]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN Y1 [get_ports {pcie_tx_n[7]}]
#set_property PACKAGE_PIN AA3 [get_ports {pcie_rx_n[7]}]

#PCIe clock
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U7 [get_ports pcie_clk_n]
set_property PACKAGE_PIN U8 [get_ports pcie_clk_p]

create_clock -name pcie_refclk_p -period 10.0 [get_nets pcie_clk_p]

set_property BITSTREAM.CONFIG.SPI_BUSWIDTH 4 [current_design]
set_property BITSTREAM.CONFIG.EXTMASTERCCLK_EN div-1 [current_design]
set_property BITSTREAM.GENERAL.COMPRESS TRUE [current_design]
set_property BITSTREAM.CONFIG.SPI_FALL_EDGE YES [current_design]

set_property CONFIG_VOLTAGE 1.8 [current_design]
set_property CFGBVS GND [current_design]

Edit: updated for 4.11

ufrisk commented 1 year ago

Thanks for this info 👍

It's a bit worrisome that the AC701 v4.11 isn't working though. I burnt mine some months ago (and since it's kinda pricey I don't feel like paying for a new one) so I kinda compiled in the new changes blindly. Must have missed something...

FreshPizza commented 1 year ago

looks like it's the STARTUPE2 primitive that's doing it, after reverting this change from the 4.11 commit it seems to work fine on the AC701/KC705 https://github.com/ufrisk/pcileech-fpga/commit/996095fb612485ba25b4b49b9bc5078d84e24f95#diff-07e6827f4a38c28117b22c276c6e44fd34c25e1d99c087156283edd62e3e9238L14-R14

ufrisk commented 1 year ago

@FreshPizza Huge thanks for looking into this for me. Silly mistake from my side with large consequences. I'll fix this in the weekend.

ufrisk commented 1 year ago

I made the update to the AC701 sources and pre-built bitstream. I hope it will work better now.

ufrisk commented 1 month ago

I'm closing this issue due to old age.