ufs-community / UFS_UTILS

Utilities for the NCEP models.
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Port UFS_UTILS repo to Hera #1

Closed GeorgeGayno-NOAA closed 4 years ago

GeorgeGayno-NOAA commented 5 years ago

Hera is the replacement for Theia. As such, this repo must be ported and tested on that platform.

GeorgeGayno-NOAA commented 5 years ago

All programs can now be built on Hera. Will test each component using 2044db3e166.

Some tests were also run on Theia for comparison. The Theia tests used 'develop' at 947145c.

First, the nemsio utilities were tested using the nemsio_utils.sh script in /scratch1/NCEPDEV/da/George.Gayno/ufs_utils.git/hera_port/nemsio_utils. The script invokes nemsio_read, nemsio_chgdate and nemsio_get to process/read an FV3GFS nemsio surface file. The output from the test was correct and is stored in the log file (for interested users to look at).

GeorgeGayno-NOAA commented 5 years ago

Next, chgres_cube was tested by running the regression tests in the feature/chgres_reg_test branch (f5b2946) . The regression test driver script (driver.theia.sh) was modified to run on Hera. All six tests ran to completion with no errors. Output was compared to the baseline regression test data on Theia (/scratch4/NCEPDEV/da/noscrub/George.Gayno/reg_tests/chgres_cube/baseline_data). Files created on Hera were not bit identical to those created on Theia. However, differences were very small (floating point differences). So the test is declared a success. The log file from the test is stored in: /scratch1/NCEPDEV/da/George.Gayno/ufs_utils.git/hera_port/chgres_cube

GeorgeGayno-NOAA commented 5 years ago

Next, snow2mdl was run to create a T1534 snow analysis (grib 1 format). The script and input data are here: /scratch1/NCEPDEV/da/George.Gayno/ufs_utils.git/hera_port/snow2mdl The same test was also run on Theia. The grib 1 files created on Hera and Theia were bit identical and looked correct when viewed in Grads.

GeorgeGayno-NOAA commented 5 years ago

Next, ice_blend was run to create a 5-minute blended sea ice analysis. The script and input data are here: /scratch1/NCEPDEV/da/George.Gayno/ufs_utils.git/hera_port/ice_blend. The test was also run on Theia. The program ran to completion on both machines and the ice analyses (grib 1) were bit identical.

GeorgeGayno-NOAA commented 5 years ago

Next, global_cycle was tested using the script and data in /scratch1/NCEPDEV/da/George.Gayno/ufs_utils.git/hera_port/cycle. The script simulates the C768 surface update for the 2019073000 FV3GFS cycle. The test was run on Theia and Hera. The updated surface restart tile files were compared using the nccmp utility and were identical.

GeorgeGayno-NOAA commented 5 years ago

Next, the grid generation procedure was tested using driver_scripts/driver_grid.hera.sh. The following grids were created: C96 uniform, stretched, nest and regional. The output 'grid', 'oro' and 'sfc_climo' files were spot checked using 'ncview'. The C96 uniform files were also created on Theia. The Hera and Theia files had identical values according to the nccmp utility.

GeorgeGayno-NOAA commented 4 years ago

Kate has successfully tested 63ee8bd within the global workflow. Her tests exercised global_cycle, global_chgres and the nemsio utilities.

The remaining components were tested earlier using the branch at 2044db3. Several updates were made to the branch since then. To be safe, rerun the tests on these components.

GeorgeGayno-NOAA commented 4 years ago

The set of chgres_cube regression tests were run using 63ee8bd on Hera. All tests passed.

GeorgeGayno-NOAA commented 4 years ago

The grid generation process was successfully tested at 2044db3. It was retested using 63ee8bd for a uniform C96 grid. The output orography, grid and surface climo files were identical according to the nccmp utility.

GeorgeGayno-NOAA commented 4 years ago

The snow2mdl program was successfully tested at 2044db3 (on Hera) using the script and data in /scratch1/NCEPDEV/da/George.Gayno/ufs_utils.git/hera_port/snow2mdl. It was rerun using 63ee8bd. The output T1534 grib 1 snow files were bit identical.

GeorgeGayno-NOAA commented 4 years ago

The ice_blend program was successfully tested at 2044db3 (on Hera) using the script and data in /scratch1/NCEPDEV/da/George.Gayno/ufs_utils.git/hera_port/ice_blend. It was rerun using 63ee8bd. The output grib 1 ice files were bit identical.

GeorgeGayno-NOAA commented 4 years ago

Ready to be merged.

GeorgeGayno-NOAA commented 4 years ago

Work complete. Closing issue.