Closed jwolff-ncar closed 2 years ago
@jwolff-ncar - is there a specific repo for the GFSv15p16 physics option?.. It is not found anywhere in the code when searching through the "develop" branch of ufs-weather-model/FV3/ccpp/physics/.
@natalie-perlin I think you just need to update the config shell scripts in ufs-srweather-app/regional_workflow/ush and also any machine-specific config scripts in the SRW App repo to say GFSv16 instead of GFSv15p2. (Ideally, you'd also update anything else for the release, like new data/file paths and such, I believe.) But @jwolff-ncar can confirm.
@natalie-perlin, setting CCPP_PHYS_SUITE in your file tells the App to go grab that specific XML in the ufs-weather-model source directory and copy it to the run directory during the workflow generation step. It also determines the namelist structure and certain flags for pre-processing.
This issue was resolved in PR #746, but it still needs to be merged into the release branch., are updated.
@JeffBeck-NOAA It doesn't look like is updated in the other PR so we need to make sure that also gets included prior to merge.
Thanks @jwolff-ncar, I just left a note in the PR conversation after seeing your comment. Hopefully @natalie-perlin can take a look.
Closing the issue, all updated
Currently, config.*.sh files in regional_workflow/ush use GFSv15p2 physics suite - this will not be supported for v2 release
The path to the staged data (example of Hera is used here) in config*.sh points to /scratch2/BMC/det/UFS_SRW_app/v1p0/model_data/FV3GFS The purpose of having a static version (rather than pointing to develop) is that as things change going forward it will not break what is needed for the specific release.
Change GFSv15p2 to GFSv16 (and test!)
The v1p0 should be updated using one of two options 1) a copy of develop should be used to create a v2p0 or 2) point the example to develop.