ufs-community / ufs-weather-model

UFS Weather Model
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allow output which is controlled by FMS (diag_table) to be optionally written to specified directory #2084

Closed DeniseWorthen closed 1 month ago

DeniseWorthen commented 5 months ago


Currently all MOM6) gets written to the current working directory. For G-W, it is preferable that this output be in a configurable location, e.g. ATM_OUTPUT. For MOM6, there is currently a MOM6_OUTPUT directory available, but the model output itself is not written to that directory.


Update the diag_table files with a configurable location. For MOM6, this requires for example:

"./MOM6_OUTPUT/ocn%4yr%2mo%2dy%2hr",      6,  "hours", 1, "hours", "time", 6, "hours", "1901 1 1 0 0 0"
# ocean output TSUV and others
 "ocean_model", "SSH",       "SSH",      "./MOM6_OUTPUT/ocn%4yr%2mo%2dy%2hr","all",.true.,"none",2

For the RTs, the output directory for the ATM should be maintained in the current working directory so that the list of baseline comparison files does not need to change. This can be done by using export ATM_OUTPUT = ./ which will be used for the ATM portion of the diag_table.


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DeniseWorthen commented 5 months ago

This is working fine for MOM6 output, but is not correctly directing ATM output to something other than the current directory. I thought the diag_table would work similar to MOM6, but I think since we are using the WGC, the directory name needs to be appended to the filename there.